Five Good Reasons to See Lisa-Skye: Spiders Wearing Party Hats

5. Skye’s been doing comedy since 2008 and she’s actually starting to get good at it.

4. This is the show she’s been asked to write for years, you magnificent Voyeurs of Strange.

3. In Adelaide a few people saw this show twice, and one person saw it THREE TIMES.
3.1 Skye just avoided the obvious joke about making you come again, because he respects you too much to go for the easy laugh.

2. Also in Adelaide, Skye made some artists way better than him weep with the pathos of it all.

1. She’s probably still not out of your league, ladies and others. Gentlemen: She definitely is, but she often needs distraction so there may be hope for you yet.

Lisa-Skye performs Spiders Wearing Party Hats at The Tuxedo Cat

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