By Lisa Clark

Spring has sprung, Melbourne is sparkling, our eyes are itchy and that means it’s time to get ready for the Melbourne Fringe Festival. Melbourne Fringe is an open-access, multi-arts Festival, that actively encourages diversity and is thus a great space for performers to experiment with new and unconventional ideas. The Festival encompasses theatre, music, circus, magic, furniture design, art and craft and more, but here at Squirrel Comedy we are nuts about comedy and thus we will be covering the comedy side of things which is pretty big. Some comedians use Fringe to reprise a successful Melbourne International Comedy Festival show (often new and improved versions) and others to give a new show a run leading up to next year’s MICF. There are wacky one off shows that can only be seen at Fringe and you never know when you’ll make a delightful surprising new discovery, as we did with Slutmonster and Friends last year. So it’s always worth going out of your comfort zone to try something new. Hey that is why Fringe exists!

There is so much comedy to choose from and it is our job to give you a hand as you make your way through the Fringe programme. Below are links to all the shows we’ve previously reviewed, many of which will have been tweaked and improved since their last outing and that’s followed by some recommendations for shows we’ve seen and/or are excited by. As usual we’ll be publishing ‘5 Good Reasons to see…’ leading up to the the festival and reviewing shows throughout.

Shows at Melbourne Fringe that Have Been Previously Reviewed by Squirrel Comedy.

Barry Morgan: Organ Is Not a Dirty Word
Squirrel Review:
Barry Morgan is playing his magnificent organ at the Lithuanian Club at 7:30pm

Lessons With Luis Famoucity!
Squirrel Review :
Famoucity is playing at The Butterfly Club at 7pm

Luke McGregor – My Soulmate is Out of My League  [Winner of The Best Newcomer at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival]
Squirrel Review :
It’s playing at The Loft, Lithuanian Club at 9.15pm

Khalad Khalafalla – Devious
Squirrel Review :
Devious is Playing Upstairs at Errol’s at 10.30pm

Michael Burke in Cubehead
Squirrel Review :
Cubehead is playing at The Tuxedo Cat – The Jackle at 7.00pm

Nob Happy Sock – Simon Keck [Winner of The Golden Gibbo at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival]
Squirrel Review:
It’s on at Son of Loft, Lithuanian Club at 6.30pm

Political Asylum
Squirrel Review:
Political Asylum is on at the Festival Club (North Melbourne Town Hall) on 1/10 at 9:30pm

Satan’s Finest Mitch Alexander & Jackson Voorhaar
Squirrel Review:
Satan’s Finest is on at the Tuxedo Cat at 9:30pm

Other recommended shows at the 2013 Melbourne Fringe.

Lisa-Skye – Songs my Parents told me

was a delightfully warm biographical story show that somehow missed out on a review during MICF. Lisa-Skye lovingly explores her parent’s generation and how it compares to and influences her own creative and interesting life. Lisa-Skye is just back from her first trip as a performer in Edinburgh, she should be on top form. It will be on at The Tuxedo Cat – The Jackle

Lisa-Skye will also be hosting a late night chat show at The Tuxedo Cat called Art Sex and Snacks, she will be interviewing performers about their craft.

Sammy J’s 50 Year Show 

which is a deliriously silly idea of Sammy’s to perform one big long show in parts, once every five years, for 50 years. I attended the 1st part five years ago and it was a whole bunch of crazy fun in the packed North Melbourne Town Hall. Many projects were begun by guest comedians that will be repeated or added to and the time capsule will be opened. One Night Only! Don’t miss it or you’ll have to wait another five years.

Comedy Pick and Mix 

is a one off Festival Club night curated by Melbourne comedy goddess Janet A McLeod and hosted by Andy McClelland and Oliver Clark in their personas of El Grande and Mr Nightlights. A creative mix of performers creating all sorts of mayhem and hopefully at some point El Grande will be tipping pot pouri down Mr Nightlights underpants. You won’t want to miss that.

The Experiment curated by Asher Treleaven. 

A late night show at The Lithuanian Club during Fringe showcasing a great line up
of alternative comedy acts encouraged to take risks. There will be an air of competition to the show and the comedians will be competing with small dogs. I will leave it to Asher to explain:

“Each show I’m inviting members of the public to bring their small dogs to compete with the acts so we can finally discover whether Melbourne’s best Alternative comedians are more entertaining than a small dog. There will be a $15 prize for best small dog and at the end of the show the audience will judge who has been more entertaining. There will be excellent comedy, sketches and music but its mainly about ze dog”

Hopefully there will be a pooper scooper on hand in case of nerves.

Tony Martin – The Yeti 

Probably the most highly anticipated show at this year’s (maybe any years!) Melbourne Fringe Festival. I don’t know if Tony has ever performed a solo festival show before and although he has recently tread the boards as a guest at The Shelf. it’s been a long time since he’s performed in his own festival show. This will be a narrative drawn from his autobiographical novel  Lollyscramble. A book that had me laughing out loud on public transport. Tony is what’s known as a ‘comedian’s comedian’ with a huge following so tickets are bound to sell out. He’s at The Butterfly Club.

Michael Burke in Cubehead

by Lisa Clark

Michael has thrown all his considerable skills at this show to keep the audience entertained for an hour, some standup, storytelling, an original take on ventriloquism, groaner puns, Shakespeare, and prop comedy. There is no chance for the audience to get bored – if a bit isn’t working too well for a particular audience they don’t have to wait too long for the next. Luckily most of it works pretty well and this is no surprise considering it comes from years of experience in standup, storytelling, theatresports, and performing as John Conway’s sidekick in 2012’s hilariously chaotic The New Conway Explosion

Although there is an overarching theme with a pair of parallel tales of self-discovery, it comes across as a series of sketches of different styles and tones. The main two stories were a sort of scifi fantasy satire starring the Cube Head and a more down to earth narrative by Michael. We are promised three surprises in his show and they are worth being excited by, but there are many more interesting surprises along the way. The strongest section, at its heart, is a tale about hitting rock-bottom with alcohol and health while living in London, and as no one is really thinking straight when at rock-bottom, he somehow found himself at a silence retreat, like the one Judith Lucy attended. Needless to say, it did not suit him.

There are several scene setups and costume changes that can be hard to manage in a low budget, travelling show that has to be flexible to suit various small venues. Rather than using curtains, backstage or complete blackouts Michael has a recording of a voice asking the audience for ‘Eyes Closed’ or ‘Eyes Open’. It’s a cute device that requires the audience to get into the spirit and he is smart enough to have recorded material for the audience to listen to while their eyes are closed.

Cube head was a solid festival show, it’s entertaining comedy with a creative, theatrical bent. The only thing missing for me was more material about The Rubic’s Cube. I also really wanted to see his cube head change colours and gradually come together (three headpieces?). If you’re going to pick a strong theme/image why not run with it all the way? It was probably also a bit too narration/exposition heavy with an unnecessary preamble that made the audience fidgity but I shouldn’t nit-pick, it was a heap of fun and an impressive solo debut by a talented performer with a lot of potential.

Cubehead is on at The Butterfly club until Sunday 19th May. See the Butterfly Club website for booking details.