Andrew McClelland plays MC for a variety night for seven different comedians of seven different genres, spanning four continents… All played by McClelland.
After a brief greeting and introduction, we were introduced to the first of McClelland’s characters, Danny O’Shannessy, an Irish comedian new to Australia who immediately went through almost every clichĂ©d comedic cultural reference. Apprehensive at first at the idea of an hour’s worth of what could have been a series of half-cocked impressions and lame jokes, it soon became clear that McClelland’s characters had ample comic depth and personality to make this a very enjoyable show.
This is almost a show designed specifically for comedy enthusiasts; a lot of the humour comes from making fun of the comedian stereotypes that we are all familiar with. There’s the brash, uncouth Australian “Nugget Spunker”, the overweight, shouting American “Dominic  Larder”, not to mention the surrealist alternative “Frank Thing”. There are also a number of laughs to be had at the actual content these comedians present, some genuine comedy from fake characters. There were several moments where I found myself forgetting that these were fictional characters, simply enjoying some quality comedy from quality comedians. And of course the MC himself created some nice moments, underplaying himself a little to leave space for the real stars of the show.
A surprisingly good amount of tightly-packed comedy condensed into an hour, don’t be surprised if McClelland goes a little over time. Definitely a show to go see this year.
Andrew McClelland’s One Night Stand is on in the gorgeous Council Chambers of The Melbourne Town Hall