5 Good Reasons to see LISA-SKYE: Songs My Parents Taught Me
1. Her last show, LADYBONER, got 6 reviews and they were all completely effing glowing/4-star. So she is OBJECTIVELY FINE.
2. You’re most likely not out of her league, and that’s nice to know.
2.1 (Nice to know in the loos of Tuxedo Cat post-show).
3. Honestly – she’s just so fucking sparkly and magnetic.
4. She still has the motherflipping metronome, people. And it’s still for motherflipping real.
5. Her YouTube clips are… Ridiculous and very, very funny.
Lisa-Skye Songs My Parents Taught Me is on at The Tuxedo Cat for 11 shows from April 11.
5 Good Reasons to see John Robertson in THE DARK ROOM
1. It’s an accessible, interactive adventure brought to life with cash prizes and personal abuse from a disembodied head. Adults find it confusing – teenagers understand it instinctively. You awake to find yourself in a dark room.
2. Because you can’t “see” this show, you’re in a dark room!
3. It’s immersive like a pool and addictive like chocolate. It’s a chocolate pool, is what I’m saying. (BUT THERE IS NO CHOCOLATE, ONLY DARKNESS. DARKNESS. IN THE DARK ROOM.)
4. It’s surprisingly popular in France, Germany and China. Of course, you’re not in any of those places; YOU’RE IN A DARK ROOM!
5. It was originally a YouTube hit – and it’s played as a live show all over the world, get some practice here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvkjP6dqpfY
8.15pm 1st, 8th, 15th April
Melbourne Town Hall – Cloak Room
5 Good Reasons to see John Robertson’s KINKLINGÂ
1. It’s funny and contains no elements of heartbreak.
2. It won’t “make you think”; it’ll assume you already do.
3. I wear a nice jacket and I smile lots.
4. The title’s a made-up word for a made-up person.
5. It’s a late-night party in a hotel. If the show runs over time we’ll go into the foyer. If we get kicked out we’ll go have dinner. If you’re still with me, we’ll to to my apartment on La Trobe St. After awhile you’ll have to leave the apartment, watching me sleep is not part of the show.
28th March – 20th April (Thurs – Sat)
11pm Portland Hotel, Locker Room