5 Good Reasons to See Lisa-Skye in Songs My Parents Taught Me and Art, Sex and Snacks

5 Good Reasons to See Art, Sex and Snacks at MFringe 2013

1. Every night a hand-picked selection of the most fascinating emerging & established practitioners from all artistic disciplines come together to discuss their artistic practice. And sex. And snacks.

2. Bring the questions you’ve been dying to ask artists. With Mr Lisa at the helm, expect controlled chaos and a controversial education.

3. At last year’s sessions we discovered:
– The disgusting favourite late-night treats of puppeteers

– Stranger-than-fiction secret sexual lives of dancers

– The beyond-a-joke drafting process of comedians

– What one of Australia’s top burlesque stars considers ‘comfort food’

– How award-winning actors ‘unwind’ after a long season

– And hilarious anecdotes combining them all from one of Australia’s biggest rock stars.

Who knows what we’ll reveal this year?

4. Discover the fascinating voices behind Melbourne Fringe 2013, while finding out the unmissable shows of the festival.

5. Hidden in the depths of cool-kid hangout of choice, Tuxedo Cat, this promises to be a show that goes there. And everywhere else.

Art, Sex and Snacks is on at The Tuxedo Cat – The Wild Pony at 10.45

5 Good Reasons to See Songs My Parents Taught Me  at MFringe 2013

1.It received unanimous good reviews in its sold-out Comedy Festival season so it’s bloody objectively bloody good.

2. Lisa-Skye has a whole bunch of new shirts. Oh, and has just come back from a kick-arse Edinburgh Fringe run. After which she bought a bunch of shirts. Well, 3 shirts. They’re heaps green and cool.

3. The script supervisor on this version, Cam Rogers, WRITES VIDEO GAMES for a living. Can you expect more strafing? Yes. Fewer jokes? HELLS NO HE’S FUNNIER THAN MR SKYE EVEN.

4. It’s a fascinating glimpse into the sinful life of the average 70s twenty something juxtaposed with the ridiculous life of a modern-day hedonist dickwit.

5. For real, Lisa-Skye is totally maybe not out of your league.

Songs My Parents Taught Me is on at The Tuxedo Cat – The Jackle at 8.15

Melbourne’s foremost Goth comedian is putting on two shows at The Tuxedo Cat, her own and a late night interview show so there’s double the opportunity to bask in Lisa-Skye’s corset clad awesomeness at Melbourne Fringe.