1. Melbourne’s best impro comedians. It’s no small boast, but The Big HOO-HAA! Melbourne ranks are made of players whose skills cross the divide of stand-up comedy and pure improvisation. It’s a formidable combination that douses drawers and slackens jaws.
2. The madness! The show involves all manner of dangerous and hilarious games. From the aquaphobic nightmare of Head in a Bucket, to the vertical insanity of Pogo Pogo, this show should be outlawed.
3. Curtains. The show has curtains.
4. HOO-HAA! Danger Hour is playing at the beautiful Butterfly Club. How amazing is this place?! You come for the comedy, but you stay for the cocktails. And the saucy staff. And the atmosphere. And the hidden-down-a-laneway vibe. And the martinis. And the back rubs. So many back rubs… Get the drift?
5. Mousetrap. This is one of the most terrifying, gut-wrenching, panic-inducing, vomit-projectiling impro games you will ever witness. Seriously. It’s worse than listening to Lindsay Lohan’s jailhouse poetry. Which means it’s perfect as the ultimate punishment for the team that loses. The stage is littered with mousetraps – all set, live and gagging for a taste sweet, sweet human flesh – where upon players must then improvise the funniest scene imaginable while performing in bare feet and wearing blindfolds. IT’S MADNESS, PEOPLE.
HOO-HAA! Danger Hour is on at The Butterfly Club on Saturday and Sunday nights