I didn’t know much about UK’s Juliette Burton before seeing her ‘docu-comedy’ When I Grow Up but judging by the name and the colourful poster, I had a feeling it would be adorable. The show is about her journey into adulthood, finding the right ‘job’ and the pursuit of fulfilling her childhood ambitions. Burton accompanied her story with guest interviews, music and some props. The show is relatable and thought provoking. It wasn’t always laugh-out-loud funny but it was definitely entertaining and I left the theatre with something to think about.
It is very much an autobiographical recount of Burton’s journey to becoming the person she wants to be. A dreamer. She begins the show interacting with the audience and asking about certain people’s careers. She has a bubbly demeanor that was really joyful to watch. On the evening I went, the audience was only a handful of people but she wasn’t fazed by this at all and didn’t hesitate to approach the front of stage and even at times step into the audience and speak directly to us. I loved the way she delivered the show, her anecdotes were encapsulating and moving and I felt myself nodding along in agreeance to everything she said.
The show came to an inspirational, up-beat end. It was like a funny, motivational speech except more personal and more riveting. I actually found myself getting a little teary at one point towards the end. I would encourage young adults and families to see this show, Burton has great energy and her positive attitude towards life will rub off on you by the end of the show.
When I Grow Up is on at Trades Hall – The Meeting Room until April 20