1. Time travel! By the end of the show you’ll be one hour into the future and you’ll wonder how we packed so much hilarity into sixty minutes!
2. “It’s The Taming of the Shrew with sonic screwdrivers and a TARDIS travel case,” said Geek Chocolate in Edinburgh. We tested it out in the UK and it passed, so now it’s coming to Melbourne Fringe!
3. See Rob Lloyd (star of Who Me, The Science of Doctor Who and BBC America’s Doctor Who: Earth Conquest) act like a geek at a science fiction convention. See him stretch his muscles as Gene, who thinks Captain America is better than Batman – and that Rose is the best New Who Companion. (You can shout at him after!)
4. See Jennifer Lusk dressed as Peter Davison’s Fifth Doctor. Marvel at how many more curves the Fifth Doctor has now – even more than he had in Time Crash. (Jen has toured with the show to Edinburgh and London.)
5. Come and laugh with Rob & Jen (as Gene & Ash) about Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek and so many other science fiction franchises it would require an encyclopedic knowledge of the genre to list them all.
For Information and tickets go to the Fringe website