5 good Reasons To See Adam Rozenbachs in “It’s Not Me, It’s Youz”

1. I’m at ACMI at Fed Square at 7:15, which is exactly the same time and venue as last year, so if you come along it’ll feel like 2014. My show will actually make you feel younger without a single chemical peel.

2. I don’t like Tony Abbott, so if you agree with me you’ll come along. Otherwise if you don’t we can just assume THAT YOU’RE THE ONE WHO VOTED FOR HIM.

3. They say laughter is the best medicine, so you’ll only feel better if you come to my show. But no really sick people. Ok, really sick people, but nothing contagious. Ok, really sick contagious people, but BYO bubble [and I’ll do a special night for those with whooping cough where I’ll just crank the volume and talk over you].

4. If you don’t come then you’ve let the terrorists win.

5. I cheated death twice this last year, so at that rate it’ll probably be your last chance to see me as I’ve got to run out of luck at some point. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to get some toast out of this toaster with this knife.

It’s Not Me, It’s Youz is on at ACMI – Cube. For more information and bookings visit the website: