Five Good Reasons To See…The Mighty Little Puppet Show!

  1. It has puppets!

Like the title suggests The Mighty Little Puppet Show will have puppets in it…but these puppets are like nothing you’ve seen before.

What’s unique about our puppets is that they are custom-built, by the extremely talented people at The Puppet Workshop.

Our puppets (called The Ritas) are brightly coloured and blank-faced, we’ve also had large selection of eyes & noses build that can be attached and removed to The Ritas whenever we want.

Meaning we can create new and interesting puppet characters for every performance.

  2. It is an improvised show!

Yup…every show will be improvised so no two show will be the same. The Ritas were specifically created because the Mighty Little Puppet Show is completely improvised.

We wanted our puppets have the potential to be just as spontaneous as the scenes they will be in.

  3. We have a stellar line-up of Special Guest Stars!

We are so fortunate to have some of Melbourne’s most respected, popular & most experienced performers joining the Ritas on stage throughout the whole season. Each night we will have one Special Guest Star.

Our guest include:

Geoff Paine (Neighbours, The Adventures of Lano & Woodley, Spontaneous Broadway).

Emily Taylor (Award winner actor, the face of COLES, regular with Impromptunes)

Heath McIvor (Award winning performer, Randy from Sammy J & Randy)

Lliam Amor (Senior member of Impro Melbourne, the face of Choosi Life Insurance)

Ross Daniels (Senior member of Impro Melbourne & Spontaneous Broadway)

Sarah Kinsella (Senior member of Impro Melbourne)

Russell Fletcher (Only Australian to appear on Whose Line is it Anyway?, The Adventures of Lano & Woodley, Spontaneous Broadway)

  4. We have an amazing troupe of impro-puppeteers!

For this show we handpicked performers from the Melbourne Impro community who were known to have experience working with puppets or at the very least had a strong desire to.

It takes an intensely focused performer to improvise while operating a puppet and it takes a very humble, generous performer to improvise in a scene with one.

We’ve really lucked out.

We have: Amy Moule, Michelle Nussey, Scott McAteer, Caitlin Yolland, Petra Elliott, Matt Saraceni & Rob Lloyd.

  5. We have a wonderful host!

Mister David Innes will be hosting the entire run of The Mighty Little Puppet Show. After receiving glowing reviews for his hosting work at the Doctor Who Festival 2016 (Sydney), where he had to deal with Daleks, Sontarans & The Mire…we figured he’d fit right in wrangling a whole heap of improvising puppets.


The Mighty Little Puppet Show is running Thursday March 24th to Sunday April 3rd at The Upstairs Lounge @ Hairy Sista. Show starts 7:30pm. No shows Monday. Tickets can be purchased at: