Fabulous Australian hyperactive comedian Felicity Ward is back with brand new show about her quirky self. She’s been spending a lot of the past couple of years living in the UK, working hard at her craft in London clubs and it shows.
This year, Felicity is talking about anxiety, living in London and the joys and dangers of swimming pools. She shares the wonders of underwater headphones and the pitfalls of having a Japanese exchange student coming to stay. For fellow expats like yours truly, Felicity gives the audience tips on how to act like a Londoner (never make eye contact), the etiquette of using public transport in the capital, the problems with long distance relationships and problems with training distant family members to utilise modern technology to maintain contact. I enjoyed her deep and thorough analysis of Reality TV Makeover shows and then, the most popular topic with the audience, why do women’s clothes not have pockets – even worse, why do they have bits which appear to be pockets but are really just sewn on bits pretending to be pockets?
In the past Felicity has spoken of her issues with anxiety and though it pops up here and there, for example when she explains how she lost a bag without giving in to panic, and what happened when she let it all go, it is not the main topic of the show which is more about bringing the laughs that she has no trouble inducing. The audience was in fits.
It was a packed house and Felicity gave us an hour of hilarity, constantly moving about the stage like a lion and hardly pausing for breath between jokes. One of the top feel good shows of the Fringe.
Felicity Ward – 50% More Likely to Die is on at Pleasance Courtyard until August 29