1. Don’t.
2. I’m real good at humour. The above reason was an example of said humour. If you come to the show you will see more of that, and it will most likely be of a higher quality.
3. It’s a one-man variety hour (50 minutes). The show is a unique mix of stand-up, musical comedy and sketch, so there’s something for the whole family (except children – they will be scarred for life).
4. It’s more than a comedy show. There’s an underlying moral that revolves around the idea that it doesn’t matter if you’re the king of nothing, as long as you’re doing what you love, and I most certainly am. Now you’re probably thinking, that’s not funny, that’s awe-inspiring and kinda beautiful… and my response is; yes it is. In regards to worries about lack of humour, please refer to reason number 2.
5. Support the local scene. I’m a 19 year old Melbournian comedian. I’m the future of comedy. If you don’t come see my show I’ll probably give up and you’ll be the sole blame. Like yeah, go see Paul Foot too, I know I will… but also see me.
Blake Everett performs King of Nothing at Tasma Terrace from April 10
For tickets and information see the Melbourne International Comedy Festival website: