Gráinne Maguire: Gráinne with a Fada

By Ron Bingham
Gráinne Maguire

Gráinne (pronounced almost like Gron-ya) is from Ireland…obviously. She points out that she fits all the stereotypes for an Irish girl. She has been in London for the last decade and the show looks back at some of her observations on the political situation in the country. She looks back at her life in Ireland as an attention seeking child, who performed her first stand-up at the age of four (warning: may not be as impressive as it sounds). We also get some dating advice for people who are from outside England and a bit of talk about Brexit and Donald Trump.

Gráinne is an engaging and entertaining storyteller who keeps the audience laughing at a steady pace throughout the hour. This show is recommended for everyone even though there is a little swearing (but it’s in a cute Irish accent so it doesn’t count!). I also liked that the ticket for the show couldn’t put the little accent over the ‘a’ in her name, so it was  “Gr?inne”, which makes the whole thing even more confusing for those who’ve never seen the name.

Gráinne with a Fáda is on at Gilded Balloon Teviot until August 28