1. I’m fresh from studying under Philippe Gaulier and have bundles of optimism to share with you
2. I’ll be introducing you to relatable ringleaders!
3. Im completely playful, silly and ridiculous but there exists notes of nuance; en pointe enactments of existing experts
4. My show is Directed by the hilarious and super talented Tom Halls (in How To Kill The Queen Of Pop at fringe Hub) who teases out the ridiculous and invites it to stay!!
5. Do you have an affinity with Cruella De Ville, Ursula, The Grand High Witch, The White Witch (BBC’s The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe), Big Business (1998 film starring Bette Midler), James Bond, Indiana Jones or Miranda Priestly? They’re great 😉
Vision Statement is on at Club Voltaire from September 15 to 24