1. It’s the FIRST solo sketch comedy show from a guy who knows sketch comedy.
Debut shows are tricky propositions, eh? You want to support new artists, sure, but damned if you want to see a crap show. Dave’s done a bunch of sketch comedy show stuff previously with The Sexy Detectives and they got good reviews, so you can see Sketch Me Like One of Your French Girls knowing that if you hate it it’s only because that’s just, like, your opinion, man. This very website what you’re reading right now called The Sexy Detectives, “experimental and non-standard, utterly entertaining, and just really stupidly funny”, which is pretty much 95% compliments.
What we’re trying to say is, Dave’s relatively certain he knows which end of the sketch comedy stick makes the funnies go bang.
2. Each show will see a SECOND Comedy Fest artist appearing in a special guest spot.
It’s a short and super sneaky appearance from a different comedian each night, all in the aid of Maximum Comedy. Your show could have an award-nominated (or -winning!) comedian, or it could have an artist too-damn-cool for those awards but that the other performers all know is great. Hope you don’t turn up on the night Dave organised that one terrible comedian to turn up.
3. Sketch Me features not one, not two, but THREE jokes about famous visual artists.
Yeah, we know what you like.
This is just how Dave rolls. He’s always tossing out art history bon mots over a bottle of ‘59 Grange with chums.
Real talk: Sketch Me Like One of Your French Girls is your one stop shop for gags about famed Dutch painter and primary colour enthusiast Piet Mondrian. If fact, this is really bloody likely to be the only show in this year’s Melbourne International Comedy Festival with Mondrian-related material, because all those other shows JUST AREN’T GAME ENOUGH for geometric shape-based comedy.
If Mondrian’s not your guy, we feel. That’s when the expertly-timed Jackson Pollock Blue Poles joke T-bones you, like a sucker punch to the funny bone. It’s about time someone took that Pollock joker down a peg after what he did to the socialist realism movement, amiright?
The third joke is a cheap swipe at Ken Done.
4. You can try before you buy (but please, definitely do buy) by checking out the FOUR video sketches promoting Sketch Me.
Sketch comedy! It comes in both live and not-live formats. To enjoy a little bit of the latter before you check out the former with Sketch Me, head over to the David Massingham Comedy page on Facebook to get a look-see at some great online content. Sure, there’s only one sketch up at time of writing, but the other three can’t be far off. Impress all your friends by predicting that they’ll be uploaded in week-and-a-half to two week increments.
5. We’ve made a mistake and there’s nothing in this show related to the number FIVE.
Sorry, this top five list has let you down most terribly. We only hope this doesn’t reflect poorly on Sketch Me Like One of Your French Girls, which is a very good show indeed and contains much less material about 20th century art than this write-up would suggest.
Sketch Me Like One of Your French Girls is on at Tasma Terrace March 28 – April 8