1- This is a storytelling show, so the events are all true events. Comedy has a habit of exaggerating for comedic purpose, but not this show.
2- Matt suspects he can confidently say this is the only festival show in which someone gets bitten by a monkey.
3- Think of it as being like Eat, Pray, Love but nobody learns anything significant. Spoiler alert: There will be no life changing revelations.
4- This will not be a political show, sick of politics? Great, this is the show for you. Bring all your friends for a show that wont cause a debate at the dinner table afterwards.
5- At the heart of the story is shadenfreude. A dumb protagonist making poor choices which will lead to your entertainment. Come feel better about your choices by listening to Matt poor choices past.
Matt Harvey performs I Got Bit By a Monkey Once at The Tickle Pit Apr 9 – 20