1. See why Ilana Glazer of Broad City has said, “Sunanda is a bright presence!”
2. Meet all the queerdos such as a “Nice Indian Girl at the Matchmaker’s”, or hear a TED Talk on “Why Everyone Should be a Lesbian, TODAY!” but brace yourself for a BEEF RAID! WTF is a Beef raid? Come find out… just don’t go to a sausage sizzle before you do. OR DO and face the consequences!
3. How many queer Indian-Thai female comedians have you seen? #rareAF
4. Bring your hetero friends cuz everyone is gay-runteed to GO HOME GAY!
5. You want to celebrate queerness in all its rainbow colors and feel the explosive joy of a damn good time.
Sunanda performs How Gay am I? at The Butterfly Club from Sept 10 – 15