Hey potential investors. Can I interest you in a comedy show? About teleportation. Who doesn’t love the idea of teleportation? Bye Bye commute! Who wants a Journey? ew. Come and see Martin Chrysalis and Jerry Roberts explain ALL the ins and outs and ups and downs and to and fros in a show that packs more laughs per minute than any other in the festival I’ve seen this year: Teleport.
Comedians Andy Matthews and Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall are behind the endearing and fascinating characters of Martin and Jerry. Throughout their silly, sciencey spiel we glean snatches of their backstory and genial relationship. Andy and Alasdair have created a fabulous comedy double act that seem to break the known rules of comedy duos, instead of shouting at and insulting each other, they gently encourage and support each other, making the audience’s hearts ache in between the jaw aching laughter. After loving their last delightful nerdy show Magma, that became the big buzz of 2019 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, I’ve been looking forward to this next show, for 2 years! I’m so glad it lived up to my expectations, then surpassed them.
The writing is exquisitely tight, the many ingenious moments in Teleport will hit you hours later and you will laugh again. The guys aren’t mic’d up so at times you might have to try to control your laughing so you won’t miss the next hilarious line. Or possibly explode. I never thought I’d get the urge to give a standing ovation to a pun, but the cheering audience came pretty close and if someone else had stood I would’ve joined them.
I was sore from the constant howling, my friend was laughing through her second joyful viewing and I saw a woman in front of me appear to turn into a puddle, I was worried she may lose control of her bodily functions! Alright there were two guys in my row who remained stoic, maybe this was not their show, it’s a big festival and I know there is one out there for them. This daggy, sci-fi comedy was definitely for me.
Already nominated for a Golden Gibbo Award, I would’ve nominated Teleport for Most Outstanding Show myself. Have your tissues ready, but they are for crying with laughter.
Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall & Andy Matthews perform Teleport at Trades Hall til Apr 18