1. The time for fun is Meow
2. It’s like if Lano and Woodley were bonking (and were cats)
3. If you’re not sure if you are a crazy cat lady or not, you’ll know by the end of the show (the answer will be yes)
4. You don’t need to bring your own cat
5. No BYO cats – we cannot stress this enough – we can’t take your cat – we already have FOUR cats dang it. Stop it. Too many people bring cats – seriously. Stop. Our cats are all rescues, cos we are GOOD people – but the show is not just about cats – there’s other stuff too – like magical arse scarfs – which cats LOVE to chase – so don’t bring your cat (hawks welcome)
Two Little Dickheads: KAPOW! is on at Storyville Mar 29 – Apr 10 (no shows Mon)