1) So Brave gives a cheeky insight into my life as a disabled woman. It’s got everything you could ask for if you’re a bit of a perve that revels in other people’s embarrassment. Dating stories. Political commentary. Childhood journals. Even unwarranted dating advice from my step dad. And it’s all in the pursuit of sexiness, or at least a good shag.
2) It’s performed by award winning comedian — me, Madeleine Stewart. And it’s directed by MICF Award winner and exemplary father figure Jason Marion, which is also nice. You’ll definitely laugh all the laughs and feel all the feels thanks to our partnership for this show.
3) There will also be NUDE ART. No other festival acts will be featuring this. Probably for good reason.
4) So Brave is wheelchair accessible and Auslan Interpreted (2&8 April). Naturally.
5) You will be supporting a disabled artist — therefore, you are instantly a ‘good person’ upon ticket purchase. Be sure to keep the ticket stub and show God at the gates so He lets you in.
Madeleine Stewart Performs So Brave at The Malthouse Mar 31 – Apr 10