By Jess Welch
If you’ve ever had a lively, but light-hearted debate with a friend over drinks, then I think Guy Williams’s show Comedy Plus Time Equals Tragedy might be for you. He is passionately indignant at the state of the world and he’s not afraid to tell you about it. From racism, politics, comedy controversy and cancellation, Williams touches on everything that could be considered contentious. If you get easily offended, this show isn’t for you. There are jokes in this show that will offend. And they should. But that is exactly Williams’s intention. He has points to make and he makes them incredibly well.
Making his MICF debut, he is one of New Zealand’s latest cohorts of comedy exports. Williams is a prime example of how talented the kiwi contingent can be. Already well established across the Tasman Sea – coincidentally ensuring his crowd was at least 80% expats – he has appeared on a slew of major NZ television (Jono and Ben, The X Factor, Taskmaster NZ). In addition to all that, he hosts the satirical news show, New Zealand Today. It comes as no surprise then that his live show is full to the brim with all the latest catastrophes and controversies. But Williams does his best to laugh at the absurdity, rather than wallow in it. This show won’t distract the audience from the horrors of the world, but it is cathartic. Bring along your own indignation and laugh along as he unpacks and unpicks the most pressing issues of today. He’ll scream at the world for you.
Unfortunately, the show I attended had a rather unfortunate heckler, who despite wearing a New Zealand Today t-shirt and clearly being a fan, seemed determined to interrupt at least every ten minutes. The first few times it led to some good humoured banter. However, the last interruption entirely ruined the last punchline, which had been set up over half an hour beforehand. Though clearly not Williams’s fault, it soured the overall experience of the show. Regardless, the show was well written and had the last joke not been wrecked, it would’ve been a delightful payoff.
If you want to spend an hour laughing out your worries and frustrations, I can’t think of a much better way to do it.
GUY WILLIAMS – Comedy Plus Time Equals Tragedy is on at THE WESTIN TWO.