Lauren Pattison: Big Girl Pants

By Ron Bingham

This year’s show from Lauren, Big Girl’s Pants, is all about her turning 30 and attempting to be more courageous in her life. The examples of courage include learning to drive (after over 180 hours of lessons), standing up to some rowdy hecklers at a comedy gig, and going in for an intimate check-up. There is also the story of her best friend’s courageous decision to seek help for a medical condition.

The stories are told in, as always, her delightful Newcastle accent, at a fast pace and peppered liberally with jokes and wry observations on life. The check-up story may be considered a little too gruesome for some gentlemen, but that’s par for the course. As someone who once had a biopsy on their neck, I can only feel a wave of sympathy after hearing where Lauren had hers done! The show is packed full of stories, side-stories and comic vignettes, and these are interlaced with moments of sadness and poignancy.

The room was full and is probably selling out, but if you’re quick, you can always hope to be one of the lucky punters getting one of the five or so “walk up” seats available each day. Every time I see Lauren perform, I am impressed with her growth as a storyteller and comedian.

Four stars!

Big Girl Pants is on at Monkey Barrel Comedy until August 25