Feature Story- Welcome to Squirrel Comedy!

Squirrel Comedy is an independent website based out of Melbourne providing comprehensive news, reviews and comedy gig listings. With a focus on Australian stand up, we’re committed to keeping our readers informed with all that’s happening in our thriving live comedy scene. Squirrel comedy is also your source for anything and everything funny, including news, reviews and interviews with comedians and people in the know.
To keep up with whats happening in the local comedy scene you can check out our gig guide, local podcast guide or list of comedian’s blogs.
We will be publishing photos from gigs you’ve seen during the week, if you have any you would like to share send them to us by email at squirrels@squirrelcomedy.com

We plan to write about all the rooms in Melbourne and hope to interview the producers of those rooms. If you have a room we don’t know about, get in touch at editor@squirrelcomedy.com. We begin with a room close to our hearts, Local Laughs in St Kilda and an interview with Janet A McLeod.

We’re also looking forward to keeping you up to date with all the news from the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. But remember comedy is not just for Festivals, fabulous live comedy is happening in rooms around Australia every night of the week.

Putting this site together has been a big learning curve for us, and we’re still learning. I’d especially like to thank Jayden for designing the logos and a lot of the work getting it up, to Colin for his all his work on the site, especially the gig guide and to Annette for her original vision and inspiration.

Lisa Clark, Editor.

You can interact with us on Facebook and Twitter.