5 good reasons to see Dazza and Keif: Reenact the Titanic Movie Playing All the Roles

1. If you like the Titanic movie but thought it would be better if they made it heaps shorter and put heaps of sik dances in it like one to Sandstorm by Da Rude

2. You hate Billy Zane

3. You love very nice drawings of sexy lady boobies

4. Dazza’s gay cousin Jordan helps the boiz out by playing all the props and scenery and he takes it VERY SERIOUSLY cos he wants to get into NIDA one day (he has auditioned 5 times)

5. You’ve always wanted to see someone who failed 5 auditions for NIDA do an interpretive dance to My Heart Will Go On while Dazza and Keif do a costume change

Dazza and Keif Reenact the Titanic Movie Playing All the Roles at the Butterfly Club Apr 11 – 17 at 10pm


5 Good Reasons to See Dazza and Keif Go Viral In Space With Ya Mum

1. If you wanna witness the Guinness World Record number of dick jokes per minute

2. If you think that Justin Timberlake’s 90s ramen noodle locks are #hairgoals

3. If you reckon you’d have a better chance of picking up on Mars than on Tinder

4. If your mum makes you and your best mate matching tracksuits for all occasions

5. If you love a good bromance as much as the next bloke in the Bunnings carpark

Dazza and Keif Go Viral In Space With Ya Mum is on at The Malthouse from April 7 to April 19