By Lisa Clark
A highlight this Edinburgh has been the last minute decision for podcast The Cryptid Factor to suddenly do a run of live recordings at the Fringe Festival. For an unknown reason Dan Schreiber, an Australian comedian living in London, who is one of the QI Elves amongst other things, gave up his Festival space of a live recording of his We can Be Weirdos podcast and changed it to a recording of The Cryptid Factor with his buddies, New Zealand comedian Rhys Darby (Our Flag Means Death, Jumanji, Uproar etc) and Leon “Buttons” Kirkbeck the show’s producer who is also a New Zealander and became part of the show and, somehow, (despite not being a comedian and the other guys being very funny), it’s comic relief / mascot. They sold out very quickly without the need for posters or fliers.
The Cryptid Factor is ostensibly Rhys Darby’s baby, beginning around 2013 then cohosted by David Farrier, as a space to talk about their passion for Cryptozoology. Dan took over when David had to drop out and Buttons just gradually became part of the show. The podcast is normally recorded from different countries when they get the chance with Dan in London, Rhys in Los Angeles, and Buttons in Aukland, which is why getting them all in the same room is quite the catch.
Lucky for everyone, the Cryptid Guys got to be together to record their daggy podcast in person and the enjoyment and affection for each other is palpable. A lot of the humour we enjoyed was pretty visual, including the fact that they forgot to bring a stand for the huge TV screen they physically brought in for the gig. Dan had been holding it up for the audience to see it but tonight we had the producer of QI offer his screen-holding services. They also had a segment where Rhys drew an obscure cryptid while Dan described it and Buttons tried to find a picture of it on his laptop. Our obscure cryptid was called the Dildo Monster and of course hilarity ensued. It all ends with Rhys blowing the Axtec Death Whistle he bought on his hols in Mexico recently.
The podcast’s areas for discussion are somewhat broader than chryptozoology and it is described as being about “all things weird that are yet to be defined by science”. They each begin by putting forth a bid to read the most interesting recent news item about weird science and after reading their headline, the audience gets to vote by cheering on one of them to be read out in detail. Tonight, Rhys Darby’s choice was met with silence, much to everybody’s mirth. The other main topic for discussion was their over night trip to Loch Ness to hunt for the monster. They did not catch it but had a really lovely time staying at a nearby castle and Rhys loved his breakfast. Buttons drove and they say they only made it back into Edinburgh with 45 mins to spare before our show. They must’ve been exhausted but did not show it at all, taking plenty of time meeting their fans afterwards being very kind and patient with them.
Ahh, the fans, the passionate fans, and particularly the Cryptid Knights who are the podcast patrons. The fans are looked after by the podcast with a lot of genuine benefits such as video recordings, merch and on-line cocktail zooms and the fans give back in turn; showering the guys with gifts, many hand-made. Quite a few fans bought tickets for every show of the run and how some of them could afford accommodation in Edinburgh at this late stage is a mystery. But it was a rare chance to see these adorable nutbags record the podcast together, live on stage for the first time. In turn The Cryptid Guys stayed out the front after the gig, chatting, signing stuff, accepting gifts. Then organising a big group photo every night.
It was a fantastic hilarious show and the core of the experience was just enjoying a bunch of genuine friends being silly with each other. Everybody had such enormous fun that the Cryptid Guys started talking about coming back to Edinburgh next year. Better start saving now if you want to see some old friends mucking about and making each other laugh about strange science & phenomena in front of adoring fans.

The Cryptid Factor Podcast Live has ended it’s run