UK comedic genius Stephen K Amos has done it again. His natural ability to take control of his stage and his audience and invoke a wave of constant full-bodied laughter is outstanding, and he has produced yet another top quality show. What Does the K Stand For? revolves around the questions we are always asked and are rarely asked; the topics we don’t talk about but probably should; and the things nobody ever discusses and for good reason. Amidst segments about touchy subjects like race, sexuality, religion and death, Amos also entertains with tales about his childhood and bad break-ups, along with a very impressive attempt at an Australian accent.
Telling jokes about serious issues like racism and homophobia is extremely hit or miss, but Amos is far from offensive. His observations are honest and undeniably hilarious, and he poses questions to the audience throughout the show, encouraging interaction about things people would not normally discuss. The funniest moments by far were when he interrogated those sitting in the first couple of rows and when he singled out any latecomers, so a word of warning: be prepared to be questioned if you sit too close to the front! His quick wit and talent for improvisation is what makes him so successful, and much of the show relies on some decent audience involvement, whether his targets want to participate or not. Amos’ eagerness for his audience to engage with him also triggered a couple of hecklers, which he clearly enjoyed, and effortlessly incorporated their comments into a part of the show. His sharp creativity means that no two shows are ever identical, which is definitely part of his appeal.
Stereotypes are shattered and taboo topics are flung into a public forum; What Does the K Stand For? is not only an A-grade comedy production, but it is also a heartfelt and empowering one-man discussion. Amos creates a sense of acceptance and pride amongst the crowd as he poses questions relating to multiculturalism and sexuality. He is able to mock and inspire simultaneously, which is certainly a skill to be admired, and it is evident why he is one of the most popular comedians at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
Flawless, confident and charismatic, Stephen K Amos has unsurprisingly created another brilliant show. We even find out what the ‘K’ really does stand for, so if nothing else, check out What Does the K Stand For? simply to satisfy your curiosity!
What Does the K Stand For? is on at the Athenaeum Theatre until April 20