Cally Beaton recently turned to stand-up comedy, after a traumatic break-up and a life changing experience in Iceland two years ago which she describes in Invisible. The title of the show stems from something said by French author Yann Moix a couple of years ago – women over fifty are invisible. Cally is out to disprove that claim in this wonderfully funny hour.
The show features stories of her two teenage children, her many and often spectacular break-ups with a number of gentlemen (during the show Cally mentions that she also dates women but we got no relationship horror stories about them. Hmmm), and her life as an invisible person.
Cally is an engaging storyteller with excellent jokes and routines, and her interactions with the audience were friendly and non-threatening. There are quite a few swear words but, as one of the most embarrassing stories involved her teenage kids, her vibrator and social media, any youngsters in the audience will probably be more relaxed about this than their parents. The ending is lovely, involving some pictures and music which relates to her main story (spoiler: she survived) and the full house were very vocal in their approbation at the end. This is an impressive performance – it’s hard to believe she only chucked in her old job for comedy two years ago. Thoroughly recommended, if only for the break-up song that someone left on her voicemail.
Invisible is on at Assembly George Square Studios until August 26