If you grew up enjoying sitcoms and singing along with theme songs like Family Ties, Laverne & Shirley and Cheers this is the show for you. It’s a great show to grab some friends and some drinks from the bar and have a great late night of singing, calling out answers to questions and winning lollies.
The bones to the structure of the show is a list of Top 10 most popular Sitcom themes, (clearly voted for by Americans unfortunately, but that’s OK). Each song pops up on the video screen throughout the show with words underneath Karaoke style and the audience is encouraged to sing along. The audience is a little shy at first but by the end no one wants to stop singing and we’ll even sing a song that’s not in Bert’s plans. Between the singing Bert gave us some lots of trivia and zingers, other sections of the show included ‘Real Sitcom or Fake Sitcom?’, ‘Who’s The….am I?’ and ‘the ‘Most Boring Sitcom Character of All Time’
Bert Goldsmith is a quick witted nerdy host who knows his stuff when it comes to sitcoms. He had all bases covered for a great night of exploring television sitcoms. Whether you’re into oldies or more recent shows there was something for all ages. He had lost his side kick Rosie because she broke her foot and is doing a spiffing job at running the show solo as well as doing all the teching. It’s quite a tech dependent show and after a slight glitch during our performance it occurred to me that it might be a good idea for Bert to have back up cards and recordings… just in case. Still he has fabulous slides that he’s put a lot of work into and some very funny filmed skits. Well done to director Timothy Clark too for giving it some polish.
A great way to finish off a night of the Fringe, the audience didn’t want it to end. Maybe all those lolly prizes made us all a bit giddy! This show should come with a health warning for the risk of diabetes and being hit by flying objects. Lots of fun, it will definitely be one of my Fringe highlights; I recommend you make it one of yours too.
Sitcom Theme Song Singalong is on at The Imperial til Sept 27.