Juliet Meyers : Unchained Biro

By Alanta Colley

Juliet Meyers is an affable, erratic, eccentric and energetic stand up gracing our shores all the way from London this comedy festival.

She brings us tales of her oft exasperating life being an ‘other’, with a Jewish heritage, as a feminist, a comic and a childless woman who can’t drive in London. Meyers questions the social trends about just what is ‘alternative’, and how those who are truly alternative don’t have a say in it. Meyers is warm, friendly, inviting people into her narrative and with a charming beam on her face; when not articulating exasperation.

Sadly Meyers’ material often missed the mark. Australian audience surely are tired by now by visiting comics doing their bit about how cute and deadly our native animals are. We know. There is unlikely to be any new observations anyone can bring to this well-worn ground.

Meyers’ style verges on more bumble than delivery, which pushed past endearing into being disruptive of her material. Meyers’ punch line is too often just a look of exasperation about the crazy things people say.

For some reason it felt like many of Meyers’ anecdotes were set ups for punch lines that just didn’t justify the meandering narrative beforehand. Maybe it was the lack of descriptive commitment to each narrative, or Meyers blustery style, but willing suspension of disbelief just didn’t kick in and it was hard to buy in to each joke. Meyers’ material on feminism was welcome but didn’t articulate observations or learning from this part of her life; just more exasperation with people who think feminism is all about not shaving legs. It would have been a really nice opportunity for some social insights in this bit.

With some amusing anecdotes regarding run-ins with dogs and toffee-nosed humans, this show has promise; it just needs tightening, clearly articulated punch-lines, and more commitment to making the narratives evocative and engaging for the audience. Meyers’ gregarious and spirited nature is a great start to a good evening.

Unchained Biro is on at The Tuxedo Cat until April 20