1) These guys take comedy very seriously, so there will be no jokes
2) Hap will dress in his Sunday best (or his other day’s best
depending on the day) Matt will dress in his Sunday best (regardless
of the day)
3) This is their first Melbourne Fringe show, so, get on at the ground
floor or feel like a dickhead in a few years when they are winning the
award for being the best at comedy
4) They both have red beards. So does Louis CK. So does Conan O’Brien
(sometimes). So does Chuck Norris. Based on that, the show should be
funny (sometimes) and also an outspoken Christian martial arts expert.
5) This show includes one Hap Hayward, Raw Comedy finalist 2014, one
Matt Stewart, Raw Comedy winner 2014 and a different MC each night all
of whom are awesome
For info and tickets check out the Fringe website