In the luxurious surrounds of the Melba Spiegeltent, Famous Sharron is here to make nobodies famous and celebrities even more so. Aided by her backing dancers and assistants The Famettes, she finds out background about hand selected celebs (on the night I witnessed the power of Sharron they were comedian Victoria Healy and NOVA’s Loren Barry) and devises ways of increasing their profile through impro games.
The character of Sharron is bold, in your face and beautifully attired in a fabulously over the top outfit. She swans around the room pressing the flesh and taking many selfies with the punters. A visit to her facebook page reveals hundreds of photos with her adoring fans. There is none of the bitchiness usually associated with fame, apart from a brief remark about being the centre of attention, just a desire to bring glitz, glamour and joy to the masses. This character bleeds into the real world with Sharron constantly interacting with the public via all manner of social media.
The Famettes (members of the Melbourne chapter of The Big Hoo Haa!) improvise scenes according to background provided by the guests and from audience suggestions. They weave their magic with whatever is thrown at them with ease and manage a pretty good laugh ratio. In addition they add some daggy glamour to Sharron’s big opening number. If that sounds like they are doing all the heavy lifting, you’d be right. Sharron may be larger than life and loom large over the stage but she freely admits that she got famous for doing very little, just like every good celebrity does. She is the ringmaster of this impro circus.
Being an impro show audience participation plays a sizable role in the show but nothing overly intrusive or embarrassing. Using her charm Sharron prompts the audience for ideas with which the Famettes can work with. A lucky punter gets to have their dreams come true and assist with the final game but only if they are up for it.
This is a fun impro show with an interesting structure built around it. The cherry on top is the vibrant personality that is Famous Sharron to guarantee that you’ll have a fabulous time.
The Fame Game is on at The Melba Spielgeltent until April 19