1. Right. I’ve got a joke about pandas having sex that is absolutely the best panda sex joke you will hear in this country at the moment. That alone should move a few tix but I need to come up with 4 more reasons. Hang on…
2. When I was 13 I went to MICF & saw a guy I didn’t really know and had the best night of my life. That man’s name was Dave Hughes. I’m not saying I’m the next Hughesy but fuck wouldn’t you be pissed off if I was & you didn’t go.
3. For my ticket price you can get a Crispy Chicken Clubhouse meal, a cheeseburger & an Oreo McFlurry. Not sure why I brought that up. Just giving you another option for your cash I guess.
4. I actually think I’m going to get Maccas for lunch. Is that crazy? It’s a weekday, but fuck it!
5. I reckon you’ll laugh a bunch. It’s a good show full of jokes. Plus I have this joke about pandas having sex you’re just gonna love!
Chilled Out/Fired Up is on at the Greek Centre from March 29 to April 22