1. Every show is completely unique, like a snowflake! Because it’s all made up on the spot, you will never see a show like it ever again, like a snowflake! It’s also really cool, like a snowflake!

2. Improvisers are the happiest people you will ever see (on the outside). Even if they’re being crushed from the inside out by their own existential dread and will eventually become one with the universe like a dying star, their smiles and buffoonery are just for YOU.

3. Sorry, I can’t concentrate on this one because there is legit a rooster in my neighbourhood and it’s crowing, what is this, Of Mice and Men or something? JOKES: That was an improv! See? We can literally do anything!

4. The Big Hoo-HAA! ensemble contains some of Melbourne’s hardest working comics who can, outside of being seen in this show, can also be seen on TV and other cool things! Par example, Lliam Amor (The Micallef Show), Gillian Cosgriff (ABC2’s Written it Down), Lee Naimo (Axis of Awesome), Dan Debuf (The Loop) and Brianna Williams (The Bachelor Unpacked).

5. If you want to feel as though you have some control in this crazy world, as we hurtle toward irreversible climate change and animal extinction, improv will not only give you the chance to yell out suggestions and have a hand in creating the comedy, but you can also be distracted from these problems for an hour! Ha ha ha! Comedy truly is the world’s greatest medicine (also penicillin)

The Big Hoo Haa is performing at The Melbourne Town Hall throughout the Festival


5 Good Reasons to see Squirly in Squirldog-Millionaire

1. He’s funny (Made the Raw National Comedy Final with his first forays onto the stage)

2. He is one of Australia’s brightest up and coming comedians

3. He was on SHARKWEEK!

4. His intro is one of the most unique in the whole festival (No spoilers here)

5. It’s easier than traveling the 10000km round-trip to see him perform in his home town in Exmouth WA (not saying it wouldn’t be worth it though)

Squirly performs Squirldog-Millionaire at Tasma Terrace Mar 27 – Apr 8

5 Good Reasons to see Simon Taylor – Happy Times

1. Simon has received 5 stars from The Age and he didn’t even need to bribe them for it. And let’s be honest, they could really use the cash right now.

2. This show details the true story of Simon being told he would be a dad, then being told he might not be the dad, then going crazy trying to work out if he was the dad. It’s a hilarious mess.

3. Simon guaranteed at least 50 big laughs or your money back. Conditions apply. The condition is that you don’t count and you don’t expect your money back.

4. There is stand-up, dancing, singing and it’s all done while Simon wears very skinny jeans.


Simon Taylor performs Happy Times at Trades Hall from March 29-April 22
