5 Good Reasons to See… DUDEBOX!

1. A never before seen line up

2. Jock strapped chaos

3. Hair in all the right places

4. 100% dude free

5. Award winning comedians (featuring The Travelling Sisters, PO PO MO CO, Beau Heartbreaker, and Becky Lou just to name a few)

Kimberley Twiner presents Dudebox at The Fringe Hub: Lithuanian Club: The Ballroom on Sept 26, 27 & 28


5 Good Reasons To See Chloe Black in Transistor Sister

1. You will feel a little closer to humanity.

2. You will become a hound for anagrams

(my show features quite a few anagrams, I’m very proud of them. They’re fun and very addictive)

3. A show for introverts and extroverts alike

Whether you’re out,  loud and proud or prefer the creature comforts of home, there is something for everybody!

I’ll even allow you to bring your cup of tea into the venue!

4. Everyone who sees it raves about it. Don’t be left behind, be a part of the buzz, get into it before everyone else does

5. All genders and identities are welcome!

Chloe Black performs Transistor Sister at Pilgrim 20 -28 Sep (not 27) at 8.30


5 Good Reasons to See Fishlace Jones / Behind the Curtain

1. Because acting

2. Have you ever seen a pigeon walk through blood? Get ready.

3. Think actors are just wankers that play dress ups? WRONG! We don’t call it ‘dress ups.’

4. I, Fishlace Jones, have produced/performed over 130 one-man shows since the age of 3 Âœ. You can’t buy that kind of experience.

5. Because I’m definitely, definitely(!) gonna find a way to work Bonnie Tyler’s – I need a Hero into the show.

Charlie Ranger performs Fishlace Jones/ Behind the Curtain at Belleville Sept 11 – 16


5 reasons to see Sir Cedric and Friends! The Beginning: The Beginners Guide to Begin Stand-up Comedy

1. You should always support new acts, and I’ve got 5 of them!

2. I’m a Pom, and Pom shows are good for taking all your rotten fruit and veg to throw at said Pom. A zero waste show.

3. Sausages are half price in Melbourne next week (false) so I’m halving the price of shows 1, 2 and 3 (true) for tickets bought this Saturday, Sunday and Monday using the code SirCedricBegins. Everyone loves a bargain.

4. Everybody else in Melbourne is coming to see the show (All 4.8 million of them) and nobody likes being left out.

5. There’s an act with the same name as a film star! Different sex from said film star though.

Christy Pearce performs Sir Cedric and Friends! The Beginning: The Beginners Guide to Begin Stand-up Comedy at Pilgrim from Sept 12 – 19


5 Good Reasons To See Sweaty Pits – Pity Party!

1. Have you ever seen a show and thought “it was good, but needed more sexually charged lemons”? We got you covered!

2. Nan friendly. We encourage all kinds of Nans to come to our show. We love Nans.

3. You want to go and see lots of shows but time is precious? Because let’s be real, it’s the 21st century and you’re a busy bee with a short attention span who’s juggling pollinating while also flying between meetings! Why not see a show that is 6 shows in one! It’s burlesque, it’s slap stick, it’s comedy, it’s sketch, it’s heartfelt, it’s 60 mins. Get cultured real quick and then go back to being the first ever Bee-CEO. You go get ‘em tiger. Buzz buzz.

4. Underneath all the silliness of it, this is a show about making yourself vulnerable enough to go after what it is that makes you feel authentic and whole. It’s about taking risks. It’s about being true to yourself. It’s about acknowledging yourself and the things you want to do in life despite the obstacles and what others think. And that’s exactly what we are doing with this show. M E T A.

5. We dare you. We double dare you. We double dog dare you. Your Nan also dares you. Don’t disappoint Nan. (Plus you get a party hat on arrival).

Sweaty Pits – Pity Party! is on at The Butterfly Club Sept 24 – 30


5 Good reasons to See – Things We Found In The Swamp

1. We’ve done a bulk order of dildos off Wish for ‘art reasons’. No-one will believe us when we tell them it is for ‘art reasons’, but that is what they are for. Will they arrive in time? Come to the show to find out!

2. Speaking of being artists, we’ve done our utmost to make sure this show has enough bum jokes for everyone. How many bum jokes do you need a show to have in it in order to enjoy it? Five? Eight thousand? We haven’t counted but our show has an amount somewhere between those two numbers so hopefully you’ll be satisfied!

3. Our fabulous cast and director are all experienced improvisers who have helped us to develop our script. It’s been a true collaborative effort to cram as many jokes into this play as possible, and an utter joy.

4. The vibe of Things We Found In The Swamp has been described as ‘Parks and Rec meets Shrek’ and if you don’t think that sounds like fun you can get the hell out of my office.

5. Elyce and Rose are highly experienced at putting dumb jokes on stage. Elyce is a prolific writer and performer of sketch comedy, and Rose is a stand-up comedian. And now that they’ve joined forces to create a show for you they’ve become twice as funny, and twice as productive, and committed twice as many murders as before and it’s all your fault.

Things We Found In The Swamp by Rose Bishop and Elyce Phillips is on at Courthouse Hotel – The Jury Room from Sept 12 – 16
