1. I’m nuts…I’m Australian…I love squirrels
2. I’ve performed in fifty countries, traveled to seventy four so i must be doing something right.
3. ‘It is an experience you will never forget.’ The Scotsman -Edinburgh Fringe- 2017.
4. I was the original ‘Fool on the Hill’ character in the Beatles/Cirque du Soleil Love show in Vegas for two years,
2006-2008. I passed the two day audition on April Fool’s Day in Melbourne. Really!
5. Am renown for having performed multiple 24 hour shows, plus shows twice as long, lasting up to 48 to 53 hours
in several countries around Europe. That’s longer than my entire three week + 4 day run at 2019 MICF in one show.
Doing 25 nights all up here except March 29th (that date had already been reserved for something else). I will be squeezing
a lot into 60 minutues. My longest show in Australia was 16 hrs at the Byron Bay Music & Arts Festival in 1996.
Great to be back in Melbourne, my hometown after being away five and a half years.
Was living in LA (La La Land) appearing in tv shows, films, music videos etc.
You may have seen me on Fat Pizza tv show in Australia as the jester about sixteen years ago?
‘One Big Story’ will be a highly visual, ridiculously verbal show full of heart and with a fair amount of ear candy fun
by a real deal worldly wild card in a fantastical otherworldy dreamworld setting at Storyville which is right in the heart
of Melbourne CBD, only 700 mtrs from Melbourne Town Hall.
My fool’s journey has been an extraordinary long and winding road with enough bumps along the way…
The Show Must Go On…
Always good to help bring a smile to the world.
Laughter is universal!
This show is good value for money and wealth at heart.
Love makes us happy 🙂
Come and see this as i never know where in the world
i will be next?
These are 5+ Jolly Good reasons to come and see my show.
Also my name is Jolly Goodfellow. Really!
Positive = Positive ((( 💟 )))
‘One Big Story’ is on at Storyville