1. The show is a cool 55 minutes of not just comedy but MUSICAL comedy (I sing and play the piano live) so there’s something for everyone. You could even bring your shi**y ex-boyfriend, he might not laugh but he might learn something.
2. he show has received rave reviews including four stars at the Adelaide Fringe. One reviewer said it was ‘blisteringly funny’ (I accept no responsibility for side effects such as blisters but I do accept thank you cards. Seriously get in touch)
3. I’ve recorded a studio album of the show and it’s for sale after the show, so you can be one of the first to own and listen to the album. I reckon it’s pretty easy to pirate too so you can probably share it with your friends…or just buy multiple albums to support me buying $40 brunches every day in Melbourne (I always add haloumi). I will mention you in my Grammy acceptance speech I promise.
4. The show is a PERFECT date night. Not only is there minimal audience interaction, but the venue is close to great restaurants and bars in the city, and If you’re dating a man named Ethan, Dan or Sam who rockclimbs and uses the word ‘banter’, we’ll all find out together if they can laugh at themselves.
5. I attended acting school in Melbourne before dropping out to do comedy (a famously much more lucrative career than acting) so it’s a great opportunity to see me return to my old stomping ground in a screaming blaze of victory. I keep referring to hip spots that I’m told are no longer hip or are now high rise apartments (if vegie bar has gone I’m literally turning around and flying home)
Sarah Gaul performs Wife at Bard’s Apothecary March 3 – April 10 at https://www.comedyfestival.com.au/2022/shows/wife