5 Good Reasons to see Gavin Baskerville: Crunch Time
1. I have chips.
2. I’m from Tasmania. In the good way (apples, fresh air, Princess Mary), not the bad way (you know, I know, we all know).
3. I’m allowed to go to the whiskey bar if enough people buy tickets to my show.
4. I love whiskey.
5. Did I mention the chips?
Gavin is giving out chips and comedy at Three Degrees
1. Are you a victim of Social Needia; an epidemic that’s gone viral? Want to find out? Lucky for you, I’ll be offering complementary checklists and assessments at my shows.
2. Got a short attention span? So do I… So my show isn’t straight stand up. It features multimedia elements. Plenty of distractions to keep you busy.
3. The longest stage spot I’ve ever done is 7.5 minutes and my show is 55 minutes. It’s my debut. Take the risk with me!
4. Rather than banning the use of mobile phones through my show, I’m encouraging them so don’t hide your iPhone or BlackBerry. Put it on your lap, wave it around, take pics, send tweets – whatever you want. If you use an Android though, ummm, you might want to hide that.
5. Got some Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, email and other online frustrations you want to vent about? Bring them along. I promise my show will be therapeutic for you and me!
SOCIAL NEEDIA: THE EPIDEMIC will be on at LOOP Project Space & Bar
5 Good Reasons to see Doug: Hello Ladies!(Tracey Cosgrove’s Dodgy Cousin Returns)
1. I’m a poet. And I know it. Also a writer, not a fighter. See what I did there?
2. I’m sweeter than a deep fried Mars Bar and more dangerous than a three-day-old Wing Ding. That’s how the ladies like it.
3. I’m on at 8.30pm so you don’t have to miss Home & Away.
4. I’ll be signing body parts after the show. Any part – I’m not afraid of a bit of culture.
5. (I’ve found it’s always good to finish with a haiku):
Please come to my show,
I will wear my best t-shirt.
I love Chiko Rolls.
Doug will be performing at Three Degrees