This is a pleasant and relaxing morning show, featuring two distinct stand-up comedians. In the first half we have self-confessed nerd Neil Harris, who teaches the audience a little bit of physics along with amusing stories about his life. He recently had an embarrassing accident involving a bicycle and some teeth, which I will leave to him try to explain / justify. I’m still trying to work out if he was doing a little too much work at his nerdy appearance, or whether it was just the way he is. One for the nerds and nerd friendly.
The second half of the show is taken up by a different kind of nerd; Julie Grady Thomas, who comes on dressed as Barbie. Very pink! Julie amusingly explains a childhood obsession withe plastic princess and deconstructs the doll and accessories (is Ken considered an accessory?). We also laugh about the horrors of her recent home purchase, and how it isn’t quite her “dream house”. While there isn’t as much in the way of physics jokes, this was still a very engaging 30 minutes of comedy. Especially for those people who like (or even hate) Barbie, and people considering buying a home.
Not much I can recall in the way of material that would offend youngsters, and there was vitrually no audience interaction, so you’re safe to come along and just relax, letting the comics wake you up for a hard day’s Festivaling.
A Comedy Brunch 2 is on at Just the Tonic at The Caves until August 26