1. We’re offering 100% pulp free fresh comedy content. No added sugars or preservatives! That’s right, folks. Our show is also lactose-free, gluten-free, nut-free and vegan!
2. Tickets are cheap, and so the dollar to laugh ratio is proportionally massive. Not sure exactly what this means (we don’t do maths), but just think of the “inverse cost to quality law” and that’ll give you a general idea.
3. If you don’t like audience participation, don’t worry, we hardly pick on people. In fact we like to pretend the audience isn’t there most of the time, because we’re more important and want the focus to be on us. If you do like audience participation and you are keen to get on stage – get your own show.
4. In real life the two of us are known for our constant bickering, so in the world of the show we’ve decided to really push ourselves to play characters who definitely get along 100% of the time and never experience any conflict or fighting of any kind*. You’ll meet a smorgasbord of relatable characters (some of whom may die), including (but not limited to) lifeguards, retail assistants, grammar nazis and Shakespeare.
*this may be a lie
5. The title of our show is a question, so if you don’t come, you risk living the rest of your life, haunted by the unknown, tormented by the unanswered, anguished by the unresolved, bedeviled by the unascertained… you get the point. In telling you to buy a ticket, we’re just looking out for your best interests. We’re very kind and considerate like that.
Juicy (James JG Gordon and Lucy Seale) perform Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Play, Right? at on only 2 nights Apr 13 & 14 so get in quick!