1. There are two of us, which could potentially double the opportunity for laughter and fun. It’s maths.
2. If you like upbeat 90s house tracks, horny goblins and 18th-century theatrics.
3. Hannah and Nat are both the third child out of four siblings. Maybe you can relate to our need to be “seen” and our people-pleasing ways? And both their nan’s surnames were McNamara. Yes, we are looking into it. From an aesthetic point of view, Nat and Hannah have really different hair.
4. If you love the thrill of laughing and would like to check out something a little different from stand-up
5. If you watched the successful lockdown web series, Little Shits created by Hannah featuring Nat and wanted to see more, then this is the perfect opportunity
Nat Harris & Hannah Camilleri perform Pét-Nat + Han ah Chocolat aaaa at The Improv Conspiracy Swanston Fridays Saturdays & Sundays
Tickets Available Here: https://www.comedyfestival.com.au/2021/shows/hannah-nat