The Rubberbandits

By Cathy Culliver

The Rubberbandits are a couple of plastic bag-wearing lads from Limerick in Ireland who have become a YouTube sensation with their hilarious but supremely silly songs like ā€œHorse Outsideā€ and ā€œSpastic Hawkā€.

Cathy talked to Blindboy Boatclub (real name Dave Chambers) about their upcoming visit to Melbourne and what exactly makes these guys tick.

So what the Rubberbandits are all about?

We wear plastic bags on our heads, and weā€™re hardcore gangster rappers.

I have to ask, whatā€™s with the plastic bags? My mother always told me it was dangerous to put them on your head.

The way we look at it, the only certainty in life is death. So you may as well put a plastic bag on your head.

Isnā€™t it also because you want to conceal your identity?

Well thereā€™s a little bit of that as well. I like to go to the shop and buy toilet roll and peas without anyone looking at me. I like to buy peas in peace. And deodorant ā€“ I donā€™t want someone looking at my particular brand of deodorant.

What can Australian audiences expect from your live shows?

Itā€™s like a rave, but if you let a lot of dogs into the rave.

Youā€™re planning on having dogs in your show?

No, just metaphorically speaking. OK, imagine instead of a rave, itā€™s car. And then you let a dog into the back of the car. And youā€™ve got your shopping there, and the dog just does its thing in the back of the car.

Well I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard a comedy show explained in that way, so now Iā€™m definitely intrigued.

Yeah, thereā€™s no way to describe it really. Itā€™s just us with plastic bags on, roaring and shouting, and anything can happen. We nailed Santa Claus to a crucifix once.

So you guys started out doing prank calls in school, and then got your big break when your video for the song ā€˜Horse Outsideā€ went viral on YouTube, is that right?

Yeah, that was an accident. We just made a video with all our friends, and a TV company paid for it. Then it just got massive. We didnā€™t try to make it big or anything. It just kind of happened without us wanting it to happen.

What do you think youā€™d be doing now if that hadnā€™t happened and youā€™d never made it big?

Um, Iā€™d own a hot air balloon company.

Has that always been your dream?

Yeah, Iā€™ve always been very passionate about it. But I want to take the art of hot air ballooning and mix it with other disciplines, like being a milkman. I want to be the worldā€™s first hot air balloon milkman. Iā€™d drop the milk with little parachutes on them so they donā€™t smash outside someoneā€™s doorstep.

How angry would you be if someone beat you to that?

Oh Iā€™d be very, very angry. I think itā€™s Richard Bransonā€™s next venture. He wants to be the worldā€™s only hot air balloon milkman.

You sing songs about things like owning a disabled hawk, fighting your girlfriendā€™s dad and the merits of owning a horse instead of a car. Is there anything you wouldnā€™t sing a song about?

Actually, no. Thatā€™s often something I ask myself, ā€œwhat would I not sing about?ā€ I think Iā€™d sing a song about anything. Itā€™s all about the way that you interpret it.

Will this be your first time in Australia?

No we came over last year and we played in Irish pubs. But this is our first time going over to do the comedy festival.

Those gigs last year were crazy, and we stayed in a brothel in Sydney for a week.

Oh really? What was that like?

It was insane. It was in the middle of Kings Cross in Sydney, and there were prostitutes walking all over the hotel rooms and everything. It was absolute madness.

Oh and in Kings Cross I also saw a dog, and the dog was wearing shoes. And the policeman who was there told me it was so the dog didnā€™t step on any needles. Iā€™d never seen a dog wearing shoes ever, but in Kings Cross, the dogs wear shoes.

What are you most looking forward to doing while youā€™re back here?

I like walking around and seeing wildlife. Last time I was in Melbourne, I went to a park and saw a giant lizard. And then I looked around and there was another lizard. Before I knew it, I found myself surrounded by all these lizards. That was incredible, so I want to try to do that again. I want to get acquainted with more lizards.

Most people say they want to meet a koala.

No, I donā€™t like koalas. I heard theyā€™re in a perpetual state of flatulence. They just fart all the time and it never stops. Itā€™s a slow cycle of fart. And I heard the fart smells like chemicals because of their exclusive eucalyptus diet. So I donā€™t want to f**k with koalas. Iā€™d rather have lizards.

Thatā€™s fair enough.

Yeah, and I kind of also want to get bitten by a spider just so I can tell people.

Well we could probably sort that out for you. Weā€™ve got a few here.

So if I wanted to get bit, what should I do? I heard the best thing to do was to go outside and put your hand into an old brick or a piece of patio furniture.

Yep, thatā€™ll do it.

What about snakes? Do you have them in the city?

No, youā€™d probably have to go out into the bush to find those.

Oh. But it would be good if Australian TV decided to syndicate Sex and the City, but then replace all the actresses with snakes and call it Snakes and the City. You could have an anaconda with a blonde wig and a mole on its face like Sarah Jessica Parker. Iā€™d watch it.

Thatā€™s brilliant, but unfortunately we donā€™t have any anacondas. We do have some of the worldā€™s most poisonous snakes here, though.

Oh god. Whatā€™s wrong with your animals? Why are they so aggressive and poisonous? Jesus Christ. I mean, you never have that in Ireland. The other day I was walking to the shop and a dog scowled at me. He gave me a dirty look. But thatā€™s the closest I ever came to danger in Ireland with an animal.

A lot of your humour is very Irish-centric. Do you think Australians will get it?

I donā€™t know. That was one fear we had when we went to Britain, that the British people wouldnā€™t get it. But they did.

I donā€™t know a hell of a lot about Australian culture, so I guess weā€™re going to have to find out when we get to Melbourne.

I think youā€™ll be fine. Australians and the Irish are pretty similar in their sense of humour.

Well thatā€™s good. If thatā€™s the case then weā€™ll get on quite good. But you know, in Australia Iā€™m sure people fight peopleā€™s fathers, Iā€™m sure you have horses and Iā€™m sure youā€™ve got retarded birds of prey. Weā€™ll get on fine.

The Rubberbandits are performing at the Hi-Fi from 28th March to 7th April. For tickets and more information, visit:

5 Good Reasons to see Lisa-Skye and two shows by John Robertson

5 Good Reasons to see LISA-SKYE: Songs My Parents Taught Me

1. Her last show, LADYBONER, got 6 reviews and they were all completely effing glowing/4-star. So she is OBJECTIVELY FINE.

2. Youā€™re most likely not out of her league, and thatā€™s nice to know.
2.1 (Nice to know in the loos of Tuxedo Cat post-show).

3. Honestly ā€“ sheā€™s just so fucking sparkly and magnetic.

4. She still has the motherflipping metronome, people. And itā€™s still for motherflipping real.

5. Her YouTube clips areā€¦ Ridiculous and very, very funny.


Lisa-SkyeĀ Songs My Parents Taught Me is on at The Tuxedo Cat for 11 shows from April 11.


5 Good Reasons to see John Robertson in THE DARK ROOM

1. Itā€™s an accessible, interactive adventure brought to life with cash prizes and personal abuse from a disembodied head. Adults find it confusing – teenagers understand it instinctively. You awake to find yourself in a dark room.

2. Because you canā€™t ā€œseeā€ this show, youā€™re in a dark room!

3. Itā€™s immersive like a pool and addictive like chocolate. Itā€™s a chocolate pool, is what Iā€™m saying. (BUT THERE IS NO CHOCOLATE, ONLY DARKNESS. DARKNESS. IN THE DARK ROOM.)

4. Itā€™s surprisingly popular in France, Germany and China. Of course, youā€™re not in any of those places; YOUā€™RE IN A DARK ROOM!

5. It was originally a YouTube hit ā€“ and itā€™s played as a live show all over the world, get some practice here:

8.15pm 1st, 8th, 15th April
Melbourne Town Hall – Cloak Room


5 Good Reasons to see John Robertson’s KINKLINGĀ 

1. Itā€™s funny and contains no elements of heartbreak.

2. It wonā€™t ā€œmake you thinkā€; itā€™ll assume you already do.

3. I wear a nice jacket and I smile lots.

4. The titleā€™s a made-up word for a made-up person.

5. Itā€™s a late-night party in a hotel. If the show runs over time weā€™ll go into the foyer. If we get kicked out weā€™ll go have dinner. If youā€™re still with me, weā€™ll to to my apartment on La Trobe St. After awhile youā€™ll have to leave the apartment, watching me sleep is not part of the show.

28th March – 20th April (Thurs – Sat)
11pm Portland Hotel, Locker Room

Interview with Mike Birbiglia about his show My Girlfriendā€™s Boyfriend.

By Cathy Culliver

Tell me about My Girlfriendā€™s Boyfriend.

Itā€™s sort of a hybrid between a one-man play and a comedy routine that I have been working on for about three or four years. I performed it Off-Broadway in 2011 as a warm up, and Iā€™ve now performed it in about 70 different cities.

Itā€™s basically a show thatā€™s a one-man romantic comedy, which is difficult to do because comedy is a cynical art form in a lot of ways and I wanted to do something that was true to the cynical roots of comedy but also had beams of optimism in it. So Iā€™d like to think that Iā€™ve done it.

Itā€™s basically about how I decided to get married, while not believing in the idea of marriage. But I love doing the show; one of the cool things is that over the years there have been a bunch of couples who have proposed marriage in the lobby after the show.

Thereā€™s a clip on YouTube where a couple propose at the end of my show. I jumped off stage, took the microphone, the guy got down on one knee, she said yes ā€¦ it was very exciting.

Part of this show aired on a recent episode of the This American Life podcast, where you talk about a girlfriend from high school who treated you horribly and didnā€™t want anyone to know you two were dating. I have to say this struck a chord with me, as Iā€™ve had a really similar experience. Do you think itā€™s part of the appeal that people can really relate to the stories you tell in the show?

Well yeah, when I wrote that story I thought I was the only person on earth that has ever happened to. But I canā€™t tell you how many people have come up to me and said, ā€œthat EXACT same thing happened to me!ā€

And to me thatā€™s when comedy is most exciting, when you uncover something and a lot of people are like ā€œme tooā€.

Would you describe yourself more of a storyteller than a stand up comedian?

I think of myself as a comedian, because I ultimately always try to have what Iā€™m doing be funny. To make an audience laugh, thatā€™s the number one goal.

But then over the years Iā€™ve kind of branched into storytelling and film making as an extension of the comedy. Now that I know I can make people laugh, I feel like I can do a longer form version of that and go outside of my comfort zone.

Last time I was in Australia, I was compared most by the locals to Daniel Kitson, whoā€™s a comedian I admire a great deal. And heā€™s also a sort of genre-bending comedian, but I still think of him as a comedian.

Many Australians would be well aware of your work with This American Life. Do you feel like you have a good fan base here?

I was very surprised when I was last in Australia that anyone even knew who I was, so that was very exciting for me. And I feel like this time there could be more, because I think This American Life has started airing on the radio over there. So Iā€™m hoping now it has an even wider reach.

But yeah, I wouldnā€™t be coming back and getting on a 23-hour flight if I didnā€™t love it there. My wife and I just absolutely love Australia; we love the people, we love the spirit of it, we love the sights, the beaches, the cliffs ā€¦ everything about it just overtook us.

Youā€™ve had one of your live shows go on to be made into a movie (Sleepwalk with Me, which is having its Australian premiere in Melbourne during MICF). Do you have any plans to do the same with this one?

I do, yeah. Iā€™m tasking myself with finishing a draft of the movie script on the plane ride to Australia. Because itā€™s so long, Iā€™m like, if I canā€™t finish a script in 23 hours then Iā€™m worthless. Itā€™s also a good way to distract myself from the fact that Iā€™m up 30,000 feet in the air.

You made Sleepwalk with Me with Ira Glass and the team from This American Life. And are you planning on working with Ira on this new movie as well?

I hope so. Ira and I work on a ton of stuff together, so it will definitely be something that I will beg him to do.

Before we finish up, how are you doing with the whole sleepwalking thing? Do you still have to sleep in a sleeping bag with mittens on? (As explored in Sleepwalk with Me, Birbiglia has a sleep condition that causes him to act out his dreams, so he has confine himself at night for his own safety).

I donā€™t wear the mittens anymore because theyā€™re just too hot. But I do wear the sleeping bag; I wear a kind of summer sleeping liner thing. And when I go to bed at night, my wife will literally say ā€œitā€™s time to go in your podā€.

Thatā€™s so romantic.

Well yeah, itā€™s really romantic and demeaning at the same time, which is really what romance is about I think.

My Girlfriendā€™s Boyfriend is on at Arts Centre Melbourne from 28 March – 4 April. For tickets and info visit:

Mike will also hold a live Q&A at the Australian premiere of his film Sleepwalk with Me at Cinema Nova on Sunday 31st March. For more information, visit:

5 Good Reasons to see Josh Earl three times and the other Lime Champions

Josh Earl vs The Australian Women’s Weekly Children’s Birthday Cake BookĀ 

1. This show is about the greatest book ever published, a book that made birthdays exciting for thousands of children across Australia throughout the 80’s and early 90’s

2. This show actually helped get the original book republished, which then went on to become the highest selling cook book in Australia of 2012, of which I get…none of the profits

3. Every cake in this show will be shown on a cinema sized screen, You’ve never seen dessicated coconut this big!

4. I write a letter to Ita Buttrose on a typewriter cake to the theme music to Murder She Wrote

5. It has sold out shows all over the country and won the Best Comedy show at Fringeworld 2012

Josh Earl vs The Australian Women’s Weekly Birthday Cake Book is on at The State Library of Victoria at 8pm March 29, 30, April 5, 6


Josh Earl is a Librarian

1. This is a show about Librarians, in a Library, by a Librarian, it’s like the holy trinity

2. This show goes all through the Dewey Decimal System, the only comedy show to have ever attempted this feat (probably for good reason)

3. This is the best place to see a lot of Librarians lose their mind as they see the Call Number 612.6 on a big screen

4. If you want to see a guy who looks like a hairy skeleton take his shirt off this is the one for you

5. This show is match fit having just sold out my entire season at Fringworld in Perth and Brisbane Comedy Festival

Josh Earl is a Librarian is on at The State Library of Victoria at 8pmĀ  April 12, 13, 19, 20


Lime Champions’ Nightmare Tales

1. After 4 years of performing the only sketch comedy show on Melbourne radio the Lime Champions are bringing their confusing world to the stage

2. There are Dancing men, a secret revealed, an accident in a stairwell, robotic phone sex and strong frequent acting

3. This show is banned in Queensland

4. The acts in this have been described as “SHOCKING!! DISTURBING!!! NUNAWADING!!!”

5. Oliver Clark provides a voiceover, that is worth the ticket price alone

Lime Champions’ Nightmare Tales is on at The Lunch Room at The Melbourne Town Hall at 9:45 April 1, 8, 15

5 Good Reasons to see Dave Bloustien, Laura Davis and Shane Matheson.

5 reasons to see Dave Bloustien’s Grand GuignolĀ 

1. Rip It Up Magazine said “murder will never make you laugh so hard”. And they’re from Adelaide, so they should know.

2. It’s equal parts comedy and horror. So if it’s hilarious, it’s comedy. And if it’s horrible, it’s on purpose.

3. It has creeptastic puppets designed and built by Henson-trained comedian Lana Schwarcz and original music written and performed by FourPlay String Quartet’s Peter Hollo (with Dave) (you can see / hear some of it here:Ā

4. It has something for everyone: standup, storytelling, extreme silliness, a castrated pharoah, party political cult conspiracies, fractured fairy tales, barista confessions, beat poetry and a fez.

5. In 10 years of comedy, it’s the best thing Dave Bloustien (Good News Week, Glass house, Randling) has written. And he’s written a LOT.

6. It’s ‘arts’ so you can enjoy it, even if you are innumerate.

Dave Bloustien’s Grand Guignol is on atĀ Trades Hall in the The Evatt Room

FIVE REASONS TO SEE Laura DavisĀ Look Out, It’s a Trap!

1: This is the worst joke Laura has ever written. Q: “What’s a ghosts favourite kind of beer? A: Ghosts don’t like beer. They prefer spirits. See? Even that’s pretty good.

2: If you would like to see what it would be like if Lisa Simpson did Stand-Up Comedy.

3: If you’d like to see something that you’ll never have expected unless you’re very good at expecting things.

4: The show is free. As in the adjective, not the adverb. “You walk out feeling warm, contented, practically huggedā€¦Go and see Laura Davis if you like laughing and feeling nice.ā€ ā€“

5:Laura has been compared to Comics Daniel Kitson, Josie Long and David O’Doherty. If you enjoy any of those people, then you’ll probably enjoy “Look Out, It’s a Trap!”

Laura Davis Look Out, It’s a Trap! is on at The Tuxedo Cat from the 11th of April

Five good reasons to see Shane Matheson Ā And The Immortal Space Hopper of Doom

1.Last year I won the mysterious ā€œJhonsy Awardā€ for most innovative local act.

2.The show has a great Broadway number.

3.The audience gets to join in the fun by throwing things at me.

4.It contains a topical joke about 16th Century religious persecution.

5.I literally die on stage (not literally).

Shane Matheson And The Immortal Space Hopper of Doom is on at The Tuxedo Cat from the 11th of April



Interview with Jimeoin about What?!

By Luke Simmons

Jimeoin is an Irish comedian who takes up a pretty unique space in the hearts of Australians. Ā In fact, many of you reading this will have grown up with super calm delivery and sharp observational wit. Ā His career took an unconventional turn in the mid 00’s when his popularity took off in the UK. Ā However, he’s currently fully entrenched in Australia and is going to be rocking the upcoming Melbourne International Comedy Festival with his 12 What?!Ā shows at theĀ Athenaeum Theatre.


– What?! is an invention which most people take for granted…
The toaster. And the printing press. Both amazing

– What?! is the biggest audience you’ve performed for…
O2 in London. 18 000. No I did the MCG for mushrooms 25 years of rock.

– What?! is an observation you’ve tested on someone – but you’ve clearly been all alone…
Hate it when you get an itchy fanny. That’s why I love big handbags

– What?! is a sure fire way a comic can win the audience back…
Buy them all a drink. Say something funny.

– What?! is the strangest experience you’ve ever had on an air plane…

I sometimes have weird dreams were the plane is flying up a big car park ramp with the wings very close to the walls. It has something to do with putting my trust in someone else’s hands.

– What?! is the first food you seek out when you return to Ireland…

– What?! is a particular element of Australian culture which frustrates you…
Australia Day. You can’t be any more Australian on a given day

What?! does it feel like to be a third Australian? Do you find it beneficial to use being Aussie/Irish when it suits your comedy?…
I don’t really go for the nationality thing that much in my jokes. Some accent references. But it doesn’t really come up

Jimeoin’s What?! is on at the Atheneum from the 27 March to the 7 April