5 Good Reasons to see DeAnne Smith: Let’s Do This 
1. The show is super fun. In fact, one reviewer called it “fiercely fun” and another said that it was “One of the oddest but most invigorating experiences you’ll have at a comedy gig.” That sounds intriguing and good, right?
2. People love my comedy. You’re people. Therefore, you will love my comedy.
3. I’ll totally high five you if you want me to. If you’re having a bad day, sometimes all it takes is a vigorous high five to turn it around.
4. I’m codependent. For real. I can read the vibe of a room so accurately it’s as though I have psychic powers, and I will do everything I possibly can to make sure you’re having a good time. I’m not happy until you’re happy. I want to be your dancing monkey. This quality is shit for romantic relationships and stuff, but in terms of stand up comedy, it’s a super power.
5. I only gave 4 reasons, which just goes to show you that I’m a rebel, man. I’m so far outside the box, I can’t even see the box from where I am. It’s like a small dot to me. A small, dumb dot.
DeAnne will be performing at the Melb Town Hall – Cloak Room
5 Good Reasons to see In the Parlour with Tilly & Flora 
For your consideration:
1. It’s set in the 1850s when Steam Engines were the next big thing!
2. This is the perfect show to bring your Mum or your Nan along to. They’ll love the literary references and you’ll love the historical pass-agg hilarity.
3. These ladies won the People’s Choice Award in the Short & Sweet Theatre Festival last year.
4. Each show features Tilly & Flora plus a different guest improviser….so you could go two nights in a row and get a completely different show!
5. If you like it then you better put a bonnet on it!
Tilly & Flora will be taking guests at Comedy on Collins
Five Good Reasons to see Steen Raskopoulos – Bruce SpringSTEEN LIVE IN CONCERT! 
1. His is the only one man sketch show in the festival and is guaranteed to be something you’ve never seen before.
2. It sold out its entire run during the Sydney Fringe Festival and return seasons (so people either liked it or needed to be sheltered in from the cold during those specific days and times).
3. If you want to see one man play 100 characters in one hour, then… you’d probably go elsewhere actually. But this show has 16 characters in one hour, which is still pretty good.
4. It will make you feel happy, sad, confused, hungry, uplifted, angry and then happy again.
5. You will have a chance of winning $1,000,000*
Steen Raskopoulos will be performing at The Portland Hotel in the Gold Room