5 Good Reasons to see Simon Chugg is: Living the Dream

5 Good Reasons to see Simon Chugg is: Living the Dream

1. It will be the most entertaining hour of stand-up, storytelling and music about lucid dreaming, He-man, Timothy Leary and Vince Neil that you’ll see this Fringe. Or your money back.*

2. Simon Chugg has written, collaborated and performed with some of Australia’s best comedians and musicians including Michael Chamberlin, Charlie Clausen (TOFOP) and Tim Minchin.

3. Simon co-wrote and directed Lisa-Skye’s directing Lisa-Skye’s 2012 critically acclaimed LADYBONER “[(a) wickedly funny walk on the wild side… stars – Herald Sun]”.

4. Simon was a 2013 Raw comedy finalist.

5. Don’t trust me, I have a vested interest in your attendance at the show. Check out the latest trailer and decide for yourself:  https://www.facebook.com/events/577725075620641/

Simon Chugg is performing Living The Dream at Loop Bar


5 good reasons to see Neil Sinclair’s Charmingly Useless

Neil’s 5 good reasons to see Charmingly Useless

1. It’s very funny… let’s cut to the chase here, funny is what we’re after.

2. It has a lot of jokes in it. I mean a lot… jokes like “I was eating a salad earlier and it contained both chicken and egg… I ddn’t know where to start”

3. It’s at this years most exciting venue, The Imperial, and the ticket get’s you cheap booze from the bar.

4. It’s a best of, so if you’ve ever been curious what my shows are like… this is the one to try

5. I cover none of the important issues of the day… none, and that’s a promise.

If you’ve not seen this RAW winning comedian before (and you should), this should be a good introduction for you.

Neil Sinclair’s Charmingly Useless will be on at The Imperial from Sept 29th at 8pm

Neil’s own website:

5 Good Reasons to See Lisa-Skye in Songs My Parents Taught Me and Art, Sex and Snacks

5 Good Reasons to See Art, Sex and Snacks at MFringe 2013

1. Every night a hand-picked selection of the most fascinating emerging & established practitioners from all artistic disciplines come together to discuss their artistic practice. And sex. And snacks.

2. Bring the questions you’ve been dying to ask artists. With Mr Lisa at the helm, expect controlled chaos and a controversial education.

3. At last year’s sessions we discovered:
– The disgusting favourite late-night treats of puppeteers

– Stranger-than-fiction secret sexual lives of dancers

– The beyond-a-joke drafting process of comedians

– What one of Australia’s top burlesque stars considers ‘comfort food’

– How award-winning actors ‘unwind’ after a long season

– And hilarious anecdotes combining them all from one of Australia’s biggest rock stars.

Who knows what we’ll reveal this year?

4. Discover the fascinating voices behind Melbourne Fringe 2013, while finding out the unmissable shows of the festival.

5. Hidden in the depths of cool-kid hangout of choice, Tuxedo Cat, this promises to be a show that goes there. And everywhere else.

Art, Sex and Snacks is on at The Tuxedo Cat – The Wild Pony at 10.45

5 Good Reasons to See Songs My Parents Taught Me  at MFringe 2013

1.It received unanimous good reviews in its sold-out Comedy Festival season so it’s bloody objectively bloody good.

2. Lisa-Skye has a whole bunch of new shirts. Oh, and has just come back from a kick-arse Edinburgh Fringe run. After which she bought a bunch of shirts. Well, 3 shirts. They’re heaps green and cool.

3. The script supervisor on this version, Cam Rogers, WRITES VIDEO GAMES for a living. Can you expect more strafing? Yes. Fewer jokes? HELLS NO HE’S FUNNIER THAN MR SKYE EVEN.

4. It’s a fascinating glimpse into the sinful life of the average 70s twenty something juxtaposed with the ridiculous life of a modern-day hedonist dickwit.

5. For real, Lisa-Skye is totally maybe not out of your league.

Songs My Parents Taught Me is on at The Tuxedo Cat – The Jackle at 8.15

Melbourne’s foremost Goth comedian is putting on two shows at The Tuxedo Cat, her own and a late night interview show so there’s double the opportunity to bask in Lisa-Skye’s corset clad awesomeness at Melbourne Fringe.

Five Good Reasons to See Lou Sanz Speaks Easy

Five Good Reasons to See….Lou Sanz Speaks Easy

1. It starts at 9.15pm (except Sundays 8.15pm) – which means if you’re organised (naturally the onus is on you) – you can catch dinner and a show!

2. It’s a show about a show…so (draws long bow….) if you like ’30 Rock’ you’ll f**kin love this.

3. My boyfriend directed it. So you never know, the show could end with lots of sex or death…or both…at the same time.

4. I was once on Double Dare, yep I was a child star, Australia’s answer to Carrie Fisher…this is that story.

5. My last show Neverending Storage took out the Critics Choice Award at the Sydney Comedy Festival in 2012…this is not that show.

Sex and Death at the same time, sounds very Jacobean! Should be a fun night
Lou Sanz Speaks Easy is on at The Loft Lithuanian Club  9.15pm


5 Good Reasons to see Victoria Healy Presents We ♥ Comedy

5 Good Reasons to see Victoria Healy Presents We ♥ Comedy:

The Variety

Each night three 15 minute spots of impro, stand up and sketch comedy.
The Big Names

Jimmy James Eaton, Claire Hooper, Luke McGregor, Girls Interrupted, Lessons With Luis, Geraldine Hickey, Simon Keck plus loads more!
The Cheap Tix

Only $13 presale. $10 on the door
The Hostess

Oh stop it guys….shucks.
The Venue

The Imperial is the home of comedy at Melbourne Fringe. Cheap drinks for any ticket holders and participants.

Cheap Drinks? Surely you only need ONE good reason!  This should be a great way to get a taste of some really fabulous performers who are doing Melbourne Fringe this year and a lovely way to cap off a night at the Fringe.

We ♥ Comedy is on at The Imperial at 10.15 Tue-Thurs


5 Good Reasons To See Songs For Europe: Two Short Plays About Eurovision

Here’s 5 Good Reasons To See Songs For Europe: Two Short Plays About Eurovision

1. It’s written by that guy that co-created ABC’s Outland and that guy from ABC’s The Bazura Project. You like those guys. They do good things.

2. It’s got jokes, but also pathos, drama and heart. It looks behind the kitsch and glamour of Eurovision to explore themes of failure, revolution, history and identity. Deep!

3. It has an amazing cast, including Green Room Award winner Marta Kaczmarek (Shine, The Circuit, Offspring), Nick Colla (Neighbours, Blue Heelers, Wicked Science), Chris Broadstock (award-winning impro performer, Bed Of Roses, Blue Heelers), Jack Beeby (Australian Shakespeare Company’s Twelfth Night, and known for his cabaret under the nom-de-plume “6” Uncut”), Noah Moon (better known as rapper Ca$h KRZMA), Angus Brown (acclaimed stand-up comedian) and Petra Elliott (musician, actor and host of live Doctor Who podcast Splendid Chaps). It’s directed by Lucas Testro (Channel 7’s Winners & Losers, 10’s Neighbours).

4. Half of it is set during the Portuguese Revolution of 1974. You don’t see that every day.

5. It includes a brand new 1982 Eurovision song (although this arguably might be a reason against. Please consult your doctor if pain persists).

Songs for Europe is a single show made up of two short plays, the first is called “Nothing” and the second is “Carnation Revolution” They have been written by John Richards (Outland and Splendid Chaps) and Lee Zachariah (The Bazura Project) so you know they will be funny and insightful.


While they’ve appeared on several podcasts together, this is the first collaboration between John Richards and Lee Zachariah- but why Eurovision?

Lee: That was my first question to John!

John: I love Eurovision! I love that while we always go on about the glitter and the kitsch – which is great – it also has this much darker side. There are so many real-life Eurovision stories that involve war, protest, and tragedy. One of the reasons they started Eurovision was to reunite nations that were at war only a few years previously. And then they made it a competition. Madness.

Lee: What won me over to the idea was when John told me about the 1974 Portuguese revolution that was basically kicked off by a Eurovision song. The more I read about it, the more desperate I was to tell that story. It’s really extraordinary.

Both John and Lee are best known as television comedy writers. John co-created and wrote ABC1 sit-com Outland, while Lee wrote and performed in The Bazura Project for ABC2. So why write short plays? And are they comedies?

John: I wouldn’t say it’s comedy. Well, not comedy comedy. It’s a drama with a high degree of wit. There are jokes, but you’ll also come away with some insight into the human condition. Or possibly just hungry.

Lee: I don’t believe that writers should be shackled to any single medium. The idea always comes first for me; then I have to figure out if it’s a feature script, a short film, a TV show, or a silly Twitter joke. It’s usually the last one.

Songs For Europe: Two Short Plays About Eurovision is playing at 7.45pm at  Broken Mirror Productions Upstairs (Level 1), 2c Staley St Brunswick
