Nicolette Minster’s Net Worth

By Lisa Clark

Most people have been curious enough to Google themselves at some point. You may find out something interesting, a giggle or a story to tell at parties. But when you are a creative person, in lock down with post partem depression, you may take things just a little too far, like Nicolette Minster did. And again, when you are a creative person, you may write a festival show about it.

Nicolette has a fairly interesting story to tell and begins by explaining that she was a child actor who worked with Meryl Streep. Frankly, I wanted to hear more about that, and how she ended up marrying another former child actor and then decided at some point to do standup. But that fascinating titbit was merely to lay the foundation of why she was intrigued to discover another person online who shares her name and seems to be more successful and interesting.

The main tale is about her obsession with wealthier Nicolette, who may or may not be a real person living in America and the lengths she will go to, to find out about her, which mostly involves a bit of poking about online until she crosses the line somewhat. Nicolette admits, with a grin, to enjoying having a secret little world to disappear into away from her mundane suburban life, that her husband doesn’t know about.

I enjoyed spending an hour with Nicolette, she is bright, cheerful and personable, but Net Worth feels a little more like a lecture with laughs, rather than standup comedy. We learn a bit about her IVF experiences, a tiny bit about maths and possibly a bit too much about prolapses, but Nicolette doesn’t go into depths about a person’s worth, or explore the humour in the appropriateness of thinking of people in terms of monetary worth etc.

Nicolette is certainly an engaging story teller and these would be great stories after a few wines at a dinner party but she doesn’t exact any belly laughs from me. I did laugh sporadically and there were quite a few women in their 30s and 40s having a great time giggling loudly throughout this show.  There is a show for everyone at MICF and if you are a Gen Y, middle class, suburban straight woman looking for something cheeky and non confrontational at the Festival, grab your friends and head on over.

Nicolette Minster’s Net Worth is on at the Town Hall Portico Room.

Nicolette Minster – Inanimately

By Sofia MonkiewiczInanimately

Nicolette Minster has a fancy first name and a knack for guessing middle names. She is charming, articulate and slightly sarcastic, and has a bit of an obsession with her childhood security blanket.

Inanimately has a broad focus on people who have a sexual attraction to inanimate objects. Whether it be a ladder, a household appliance, or even an iconic landmark, Minster delves into the strange desires that people can have for generally undesirable items, and incorporates an array of stories into this interesting premise to a comedy festival show. From Erika Eiffel, who is married to the famous Parisian steel structure, to a woman named Emma who is in love with a tree, the show covers some interestingly odd material, funny mainly because of its utter absurdity.

Minster intertwines tales about boxing, raw food trends and, of course, her unnatural attachment to Blue Blanky; tales which don’t necessarily relate, but which are seamlessly incorporated into the proceedings. Several of the jokes and one-liners she tells resurface later on, tying everything together nicely. Clever wordplay is what drives this show forward, and her dry sense of humour keeps things entertaining. She seems to get some kind of twisted enjoyment out of luring her audience into what appears to be an innocent observation, and then conjuring up some crass imagery that generates a burst of shocked laughter. This is all part of her charm. Minster is self-deprecating and likeable, and welcomes a bit of laughter at her own expense.

The show is well written, with unfaultable timing and consistency. A reading of a romantic choose-your-own-adventure novel is very funny, and an attempt to slow dance with the much-loved blanket was a real comedic delight. Minster utilises a refrigerator on stage to add some variety to her word-heavy comedy, which does break things up a little, however the use of a loud vacuum cleaner in the opening of her show proves more distracting than comical.

Inanimately is engaging and fun, and while it isn’t necessarily a hysterical performance that will leave you breathless with laughter, it is certainly an amusing show that will leave you wanting to Google ‘objectum sexuality’ when you get home.

Nicolette Minster’s Inanimately is on at the Forum Theatre until April 19.

5 Good Reasons to see Nicolette Minster in INANIMATELY

1. A UK documentary about a woman who married the Eiffel Tower left Nicolette with a lot of questions.

2. In the process of researching INANIMATELY, Nicolette copped a black eye. It still weeps, infrequently.

3. In Japan, security blankets are used in favour of straight jackets.

4. Nicolette is one half of sketch comedy sensation Girls Uninterrupted, which is on hiatus whilst Lou makes a human and Nic learns how to activate almonds. Both expected to take an equal amount of heavy breathing and epidural.

5. Show includes a fridge and some mind “magic” or your money back*. (*not guaranteed)

Nicolette Minster in INANIMATELY is on at the Forum 
April 7 – 19, 7:15pm (6:15pm Sundays)


1. It’s an all-female showcase show, which means nobody has to hear from dudebros that are like “my girlfriend likes throw pillows!” or “women be shopping!” etc, etc, ad nauseum.

2. Every night will be a totally different line-up, with a few massive theme nights thrown in for good measure. Slumber Party, anyone?

3. We’ve got a truckload of acts already in, like Clem Bastow, Nicolette Minster (Girls Uninterrupted), Lou Sanz, Tessa Waters, Claire Sullivan, Kate Boston-Smith and many, many more. Aww yiss!

4. It’s not just comedy, either; we’ll have acts doing burlesque, spoken word, music, sketches, theatre, characters and anything else you can think of.

5. Most importantly, it’s a fun, welcoming night run by women for whom feminism and entertainment are major passions. Made with love, for you!

For Information and tickets see the Melbourne Fringe website: