1. People loved it in the Short + Sweet Festival in Sydney so I’m bringing it to Melbourne Fringe- longer, bigger and funnier! 

2. It’s a humorous take-down of people that pigeonhole and stereotype – finally, they’re good for something!

3. The show is a tale of all of theater’s favourite things: family, politics, strength and Bollywood dancing.

4. I play a bunch of different characters to show off my acting chops (that means skills, guys, not bits of meat)

5. You’ll love it whether you’re Indian or not, I promise!

For Info and tickets checkout the Fringe website:

Five Good Reasons to See The Sexy Detectives: Mono Logs

1. For the money.
The boys from Sexy D have flown all the way from Brisbane, and are looking to recoup their outlay. Literally dozens of dollars are on the line here.

2. For the show.
It’s a sketch show in the tradition of Rowan Atkinson Live. Think of Dave as the Rowan Atkinson-y one, and Mike as the Angus Deayton-y one (on account of his proclivity for cocaine and prostitutes).

3. To get ready.
The show is on at 6.30pm or 7pm each night. What a good way to warm up your laughing gear for a night at the Fringe, am I right?! (Am I?)

4. Now go, cat, go.
No cats will be allowed into the performance.

5. Is alive!
Sorry, that’s a typo. It’s live. It’s not a pre-recorded show.

Performing at Club Voltaire from September 29 to October 5 For more information and tickets checkout the Fringe Website

5 Good Reasons to see – The Birdmann in Momentous Timing

1. This is my favourite review of the show- “Inspiring in a way I didn’t
think comedy could be. It was heartwarming, witty, and a little sad. In a
rather beautiful way. I can guarantee you won’t get what you’re expecting,
but I loved the Birdmann.”

2. The show finale was a special guest act in Le Soiree at the Sydney
Opera House involving an interpretive dance on 5 inch silver sequined

3. I was nominated for The increasingly prestigious Malcolm Hardee Award
for ‘Comic Originality’ at the 2014 Edinburgh Fringe.

4. If you only see one show this year… You should get out more.

5. I love you with all my ART!

More information and tickets for The Birdmann in Momentous Timing can be found on the Fringe website

5 Good Reasons to see The Sound of Nazis

1) Our last show, Wolf Creek: The Musical sold out at the Melbourne Fringe in 2013. Masses who didn’t get tickets in time huddled outside the performances, and their weeping was distracting for the actors. So if you bought tickets ahead of time, that would be really helpful for us.

2) The cast is really talented. None of them are world famous, so I guess they’re not THAT talented, but they’re definitely the most-talented-but-not-world-famous people I’ve ever met.

3) It’s the debut season of the show. Years later when the show is on Broadway, you can tell your friends you liked us before they did, and wear a haughty grin

4) There are lots of really catchy songs, like the heartfelt ‘Maria, You’re a Terrible Nun’, and the surprisingly fun and uplifting ‘Jews!’

5) Fans of ‘The Sound of Music‘ will find lots to like – although for legal reasons we’re emphasising that our show has nothing at all to do with that musical, and will continue to do so until ‘The Sound of Music‘ is out of copyright.

For information and tickets checkout the Fringe website

5 Good Reasons to see A Hard Day’s Night of Beatles Parodies

1. A wig that really puts the “fringe” back into the Fringe Festival

2. Silly lyrics come together with the timeless tunes of The Beatles

3. Songs about Melbourne identities like Shane Warne, Franco Cozzo and Frank Walker from National Tiles

4. Political satire with targets including Myki and Clive Palmer

5. If the jokes aren’t for you, you’ll still enjoy the music!

For Information about dates and tickets see the Fringe website


1. It’s an all-female showcase show, which means nobody has to hear from dudebros that are like “my girlfriend likes throw pillows!” or “women be shopping!” etc, etc, ad nauseum.

2. Every night will be a totally different line-up, with a few massive theme nights thrown in for good measure. Slumber Party, anyone?

3. We’ve got a truckload of acts already in, like Clem Bastow, Nicolette Minster (Girls Uninterrupted), Lou Sanz, Tessa Waters, Claire Sullivan, Kate Boston-Smith and many, many more. Aww yiss!

4. It’s not just comedy, either; we’ll have acts doing burlesque, spoken word, music, sketches, theatre, characters and anything else you can think of.

5. Most importantly, it’s a fun, welcoming night run by women for whom feminism and entertainment are major passions. Made with love, for you!

For Information and tickets see the Melbourne Fringe website: