5 Good Reasons to see Dave Bloustien: The Tinder Profile of Dorian Gray

1 The feeling of your lips forming a moue of annoyance at yet another show about Tinder, softening into intrigue as you realise it’s not about Tinder at all.

2 The flaring of your nostrils as you hear about a band Dave loved as a teenager, ravaged by time and misadventure.

3 The chills along your spine as Dave describes his fading significance as the single dad of a 7 year old Goth.

4 The tremble in the corner of your eye as Dave relates his brush with a potential STI.

5 The quickening of your pulse as Dave describes the most romantic first date of all time. Or possibly gets Catfished, and tasered on a beach somewhere.

Dave Bloustien performs The Tinder Profile of Dorian Gray The Upstairs Lounge @ Little Sista

Set List

By Ellyse O’Halloran

Set List is a rollercoaster ride of randomness, hilarity and fun where comedians are given a never before seen set list and are forced to improvise a set in front of your eyes. After seeing the show last year and loving it, I was so eager to go back again and it definitely did not disappoint. Troy Conrad is the mastermind behind Set List with the help of Paul Provenza who MCs the show and does a fantastic job of warming the crowd up and creating a supportive atmosphere and great vibe.

On Saturday the lineup included Celia Pacquola, Gordon Southern, Dave Bloustein, Sam Simmons, Sara Pascoe and Sean Cullen and the topics ranged from ‘Loans for Dogs’ to ‘Non-Sexual Hand Job’. We see the topics at the same time as the comedians and it’s so entertaining watching them squirm and sometimes even be surprised by their own wit and intelligence.

The room is packed with supportive punters, who are asked by Provenza to be the ‘wind beneath the comics’ wings’. No one is there to see the comics fail, they are there to witness in real-time how comics develop content.

One of the greatest things about the show is that you don’t know what to expect and neither do the people on stage. Every performance will be completely different from the last with new comedians and new topics each night. It’s a show I’d encourage you to see multiple times, as different comedians tackle the beast in different ways.

There’s something special about knowing that the entertainment is unique to the night and is for this audience and this audience only. You can try to explain how hilarious and sidesplitting certain gags were, but more often that not you’ll find all the moments during Set List were had-to-be-there moments. It has to be seen to be believed so be prepared to convert the non-believers by taking them with you to enjoy another night of improvised hilarity.

Set List is on at the Victoria Hotel until April 19