Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2018 – Previously reviewed shows

The 32nd Melbourne International Comedy Festival has been officially

Lano & Woodley

Launched for 2018. Hosted by comedy legends Lano & Woodley, their reunion this year, after 12 years apart, in their new show Fly is one of the big thrills causing quite a buzz in a gigantic, exciting programme. There are more than 620 shows in this years festival. Some of the shows are encore performances and others that we Squirrels managed to catch and review at other festivals.

Feel free to click on the links below and read what we thought of these earlier iterations, keeping in mind that festival shows are ever evolving beasts that change and develop over time, so the new version may be quite different to one we saw.

See a favourite off the telly, See someone you’ve never heard of. Most of all have a wonderful time and keep an eye on Squirrel Comedy as the new reviews roll in and we keep you up to date on what’s happening via our Social Media.

Previously Reviewed Shows:

The Bear Pack
Phoebe O’Brien’s review from Edinburgh Fringe 2017 :
Booking details:

Ben Volchok Presents…
Lisa Clark’s review from Melbourne Fringe 2017:
Booking details:

Chris Lassig Dr Chris’s Theory of Everything
Conor Merrigan-Turner’s review from Melbourne Fringe 2017:
Booking details:

Elizabeth Davie – Super Woman Money Program
Lisa Clark’s review from Melbourne Fringe 2017:
Booking details:

Geraldine Hickey – It’s My Show
Lisa Clark’s review from Melbourne Fringe 2017:
Booking details:

Hit By A Blimp – I’m Here
Colin Flaherty’s review from Melbourne Fringe 2017:
Booking details:

Elyce Phillips’review from Melbourne Fringe 2013:
Booking details:

Laura Davis – Ghost Machine
Elyce Phillips’review from MICF 2013:
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Lauren Bok – Between a Bok and a Hard Place (Originally performed as A Bok In Progress)
Colin Flaherty’s review from Melbourne Fringe 2017:
Booking details:

Luke McGregor – Almost Fixed it
Lisa Clark’s review from MICF 2017:
Booking details:

Matt Harvey – War of the words
Conor Merrigan-Turner’s review from Melbourne Fringe 2017:
Booking details:

Phil Wang – Kinabalu
Colin Flaherty’s review from Edinburgh Fringe 2017:
Booking details:

Political Asylum Comedy – Late Night Riot!
Angela East’s review from MICF 2017:
Booking details:

Rob Hunter – Late O’Clock
Andrew Holmes’review from MICF 2012:
Booking details:

Sean Bedlam – Death to America
Colin Flaherty’s review from Melbourne Fringe 2017:
Booking details:

Soothplayers -Completely Improvised Shakespeare
Lisa Clark’s review from Melbourne Fringe 2015:
Booking details:

Snort With Friends
Elyce Phillips’review from MICF 2017:
Booking details:

Wanda and Mel
Lisa Clark’s review from Melbourne Fringe 2017:
Booking details:

Soothplayers Present the Completely Improvised Works of Shakespeare

By Lisa Clark Soothplayers

The Soothplayers have really set themselves a ridiculously arduous task. To create a Shakespearean play on the spot in front of an audience for our pleasure and pain, but then, improvisers love a challenge. They’re clearly nuts and I love nuts.

There are no ‘names’ in this comedy troupe, they are a bunch of fresh faced performers keen to entertain but sharing an hour with them you certainly get to know them and some of their amazing skills. The important skills these improvisers possess include; creating interesting characters, comic timing, understanding how stories work and the ability to remember to stay in the Sixteenth Century (there was a mention of chocolate cake but I think they got away with it.)

Tonight’s story was in a Midsummer Night’s Dreamy style involving a grouchy King (Ryan Patterson in a standout performance), his tapestry weaving daughter (Cat Commander), a couple of silly faeries called Pickleblossom and Juicefairy (Imogen Palmer and Charlotte Salusinszki), and a whole host of villagers who perform a play within a play in order to convince the King to give them a regular holiday. It had been inspired by an audience member’s suggestion of ‘A holiday tomorrow’. The performance is accompanied by minstrel Caleb Garfinkel doing a fine job on the mandolin and supporting the odd song that pops up unexpectedly.

I’ve always wondered about how much preparation goes into improvisation, do they decide beforehand what style it’s going to be in or make up some jokes to throw in? Well there certainly seems to be some sort of structure which may or may not have been previously worked out. Scenes are created by performers in pairs to start with, then a scene with the whole cast and so on. One thing is for sure, there is no conferring once the performance has begun. The players stay on stage throughout, with those not taking parts in scenes moving to the side to watch on silently.

Impro has always terrified me somewhat, I cringe at those awkward moments as the performers scrabble to put words together that will further the scene. Others might get off on those thrills, the performers certainly seem to. It threatened to go off the rails with complications at one point but the performers picked it up and took it into a more unexpected and interesting direction. They know each other’s capabilities and have learned to put their trust in one another.

No show will be the same, so your experience is bound to be different to mine, but these are certainly a band of merrie players you can put your trust in for a fun night of storytelling and making stuffe up.

The Soothplayers are performing at THE IMPROV CONSPIRACY THEATRE til Oct 3